John Wingert – Monkey Motivation 2009 1 mp3
John Wingert – Monkey Motivation 2009 1 mp3
NOTE: This is the Monkey Motivation mp3 from John Wingert.Here are the FOUR MONKEY MOTIVATION QUESTIONS:.1. What do you want?Note: In the recordings I share the biggest mistakes people make at this point. Here is ONE of them. Most people make “what they want” an auditory answer. In the recordings you will here how “what I wanted” went from “losing 40 pounds”(A TYPICAL auditory answer) to “getting FIT as I was when I was in my 20’s.Power point: I not only changed the words, I went to Mom and got actual PICTURES of me FIT AND TRIM in my 20’s, and I got PICTURES of 40 year old men who were fit and tough, and put them around my office. Then I got CREATIVE with them. (Note: I weighed 260 when I developed and first began to utilize Monkey Motivation. Today I am at than 197 pounds.)Next power question!2. How does what you want (THE PICTURE) fit in with the rest of your life?Note: Here is a biggie. I will start with the NEGATIVE and why most smokers NEVER QUIT. Most cigarette smokers have built their ENTIRE social life, and way of approaching people AROUND CIGARETTES. Same with many BEER DRINKERS. The main reason most of them can’t take action (quit), is because THEY UNCONSCIOUSLY know that their social life will be radically disrupted. So…. if you want your motivation to MAX OUT, you’ve got to factor in – how does “what I PICTURE” fit in with the rest of my life.Key: The smoker and drinker MUST come to terms with the FACT that they will have to design in NEW ways of socializing. If they decide to do that, and do it, THEN quitting smoking and drinking IS EASY. Their motivation skyrockets and their energy soars.Key: Notice that AA meetings are “social”. No drinkers, but tons of smokers. They have it about HALF RIGHT.NEXT POWER POINT!3. What behaviors SUPPORT this?Note: Not cause. I’ll show you how EATING CAKE helped me get to my weight target back then. I went from 260 to 220. BOOM! Today, I use the SAME approach, and I am now down to 197.4. I am going to keep this step a secret. It’s spelled out very well on the BONUS RECORDING.Note: Okay, I’ll share a bit of it. Your daily BEHAVIORS will have changed, once you get to your target. I Spring out of bed, and SPRINT up hills now. Back at 260, I flopped out of bed, and preferred to almost ROLL DOWN hills. Getting THAT understanding in the beginning WILL AMP your motivation.
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