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Love Systems – Interview Series 47 – Overcoming Physical Obstacles

Overcoming Physical Obstacles.mp3
[1 MP3]



!! KEEP THIS AT  OR YOU WILL BE BANNED FOR EVER !!GB is free for all GB contributors.You can still get in on this Groupbuy, contact Ballin123.A physical obstacle is any physical characteristic that makes a man insecure about himself and often is used as an excuse to not approach or pursue women. However, what these men do not realize is that one’s physical attractiveness is not the most important tool in creating attraction with women. In this detailed interview, top Love Systems instructors Keychain and Mr. M will teach you how to present your best possible self by controlling the controlables and mentally overcoming the uncontrolables.Some of the topics discussed are:    * How to turn a perceived physical disadvantage into an advantage    * Building intrigued based attraction off a disability    * How displaying a good sense of fashion will deter women from focusing on a particular physical characteristic    * How to properly make a joke about your physical obstacle    * How to best manage specific obstacles such as: being short, bald, overweight, bad acne, wheelchair bound, skin color, and sexual performance issuesQuotes From The Interview”The first point in dealing with your physical obstacles is to have that realization that attraction isn’t entirely about the physical obstacles. Once you have that realization, you can begin to focus on things that are more productive.”Mr M”The irony is as well that some of those physical calling cards that you may feel insecure about right now can actually be quite attractive, unique things about you.”KeychainRatio Free  –  Contributors .Standard Dates will be set when the rest of the material is posted.Elite/VIP: 2 weeksPower Users (PU): 7 weeks  or contributeUsers: Upgrade to PU or contribute


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