John Kippley, Sheila Kippley – The Art of Natural Family Planning
John Kippley, Sheila Kippley – The Art of Natural Family Planning.pdf
[1 eBook – PDF]
Amazon review This book is the “bible” of Natural Family Planning (NFP)—NOT the “rhythm method,” but a proven method of monitoring a woman’s cycle signs to determine when her “window of fertility” begins and ends. It can be upwards of 95% effective!This book is used as a textbook for the Couple to Couple League International NFP course. It’s the best book for a “beginner” to buy—and it will guide you through your entire reproductive life. There’s an extensive section for “beginners” and a chapter on the special charting needs of women just quitting the Pill. It explains how to use your fertility awareness to avoid pregnancy, as well as how to beat marginal infertility. It tells how to know you’re pregnant and how to maintain infertility during breast feeding, as well as how to tell when you become fertile again. Finally, it explains how to chart all the way through menopause. There is plenty of info about the effects of nutrition and pharmaceuticals on your cycles too!While the technical information will help anyone, the book is particularly well-suited for Christians as it has sections which delve deep into the morality of family planning. But non-Christians shouldn’t be scared off either—this is simply the best book around for learning how to use your natural body signs to prevent or achieve pregnancy, no matter what your reasons.My husband and I use this method, and we think our marriage and my health is better for it. # Paperback: 512 pages# Publisher: Couple to Couple League; 4th edition (July 1, 1996)# Language: English# ISBN-10: 0926412132# ISBN-13: 978-0926412132Brought to us by redepe Thank you!
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