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The Approach by Sandy Vilas – Becoming a Coach

The Approach by Sandy Vilas – Becoming a Coach.pdf
[1 eBook – PDF]


INTRODUCTIONThank you for your interest in coaching. We are so committed to this profession that wewant to share it with everyone.The Becoming A Coach Handbook is about whatcoaching is, why people work with a coach, why peoplechoose the coaching profession and how to become asuccessful coach. This book is based on the perspectives ofthe thousands of individuals that has trainedworldwide, as well as our faculty and staff.When you receive coach training at,you will learn the basic coaching skills, not only to use withyour clients and coachees, but also how incorporate theseskills in your day-to-day relationships with partners, customers,employees and friends. You will understand the powerfuldynamic that occurs in coaching – the synergy that allowsthe coaching process to work.In addition to teaching coaching skills, we also focuson practice development and personal development. Weare considered to have the most extensive practice buildingmaterials and support in the industry. Another major benefitthat students receive comes from the relationships theydevelop with other students and the faculty members –generally coaches are extremely generous, sharing theirknowledge, wisdom, and experience.Whether or not you choose to pursue coach trainingwith us (and of course, we hope that you do) this book willhelp you better understand yourself and others, and gain adeep respect for the coaching profession.In conclusion, we are extremely grateful to thededicated, passionate and brilliant faculty, staff, who are the heart and soul of this company.Sandy Vilas, MCCCEO, CoachInc.comSteamboat Springs, CO


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