Tony Horton – One on One Vol.2 Disk 4: 10 Minute Crusher Pack
[1 DVD – Rip]
Tony HortonOne on OneVolume 2 Disk 410 Minute Crusher PackBeachbodyThis One on One is intended to serve two masters and as such it really fails both to some extent. Most of the users of the One on One Series are looking for longer workouts with a little more to them. They are P90X graduates, and others who have completed 90 Boot Camps with Tony Horton and one of his programs. 10 Minute Trainer is intended for those who want to get into shape and make lifestyle changes but have, or are willing to make, limited time available for it. Now don’t get me wrong, there is a place for 10 Minute Trainer and many people have gotten great results with it. Where this video fails is it aims to hit two very different markets and is not set up to satisfy both. Let me explain. There are three separate 10 Minute workouts on this video. They are: 10 Minute Abs, Legs of Gold and Shadow Boxing. And each is a good workout and is set up so that you can hit play and go through all three back to back for a 30 minute workout. The menu should be set up so that you can select any of the three or a ‘play all’ option but that is not there. Also the chapter breaks are not always at a beginning of a specific exercise. So in my opinion it is an okay workout but could have been better. Personally I like the 10 Minutes Abs and the Shadow Boxing – the 10 Minute Legs did not do much for me. I wish there were a full length workout along the lines of the Shadow boxing; we can only hope it will appear in one of the future One on Ones.One on One with Tony Horton is a workout series that you can either choose individual workouts to purchase or on a subscription where you get a new DVD each month. It’s just Tony mostly working out in his home gym at his pace. There is less talk and instruction than his standard series and it moves at a quicker pace and has fewer breaks. They are also intended for people in good shape already, or graduates of Power90, P90X, or other or Beachbody other fitness programs.Thanks to ElCapitano
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