James Dobson – Bringing Up Boys
James Dobson – Bringing Up Boys
[3 CDs]
As he has in past books (Life on the Edge, LJ 5/1/95), Dobson advises parents from his overtly conservative, Christian stance. A notable Christian activist, powerfully connected right-winger, and founder and president of Focus on the Family, he has written a work with seemingly good intentions: “If you are honest, trustworthy, caring, loving, self-disciplined, and God-fearing, your boys will be influenced by those traits as they age…. So much depends on what they observe in you.” True enough. His underlying arguments, however, are peculiarly mean-spirited. Any outsider who threatens traditional family values comes under fierce attack. Most early feminists, for example, “were never married, didn’t like children, and deeply resented men, yet they advised millions of women about how to raise their children and, especially, how to produce healthy boys.” Dobson also avows that gays suffer from a “disorder.” Clearly, the titular advice and encouragement serve Dobson’s agenda. While this book is appropriate for certain religious collections, public librarians should exercise caution; there are Christian parenting titles (e.g., William Sears, M.D., & Martha Sears’s The Complete Book of Christian Parenting and Child Care, Broadman & Holman, 1997) that don’t polemicize and defame as does this. Douglas C. Lord, Connecticut State Lib., HartfordCopyright 2001 Reed Business Information, Inc.
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