Nick Kemp and Andrew T Austin – Provocative Therapy & Improvisation –
Kemp & Austin – Improv & Provocative
[4 DVDs – RIP]
PLEASE KEEP THIS EXCLUSIVE TO elib!!!! This exclusive material is part of the”Therapeutic Excellence – Nick Kemp and Andrew Austin” group buy.The forum is listed at:… Provocative Therapy & Improvisation DVD Setby Nick Kemp and Andrew T Austin…For the ISO version of this set go HERE : On these DVDs Nick Kemp and Andrew T Austin teach the art of Improvisation, Provocationand Drama in Therapy. In many traditional forms of therapy and change work practitioners andtherapists can tend to work in a very procedural manner that at times limit creativity whenworking with clients that often is a key factor in producing excellent results for clients.Nick Kemp and Andrew T Austin both run highly successful private practices and teach fromtheir own personal experience of working with clients from variety of backgrounds. Nick Kempdemonstrates many of the skills he learned from his intensive training with Frank Farrelly thecreator of Provocative Therapy that has resulted in being one of the few Farrelly approvedProvocative Therapy trainers in the world today. Nick also teaches skills from his ownProvocative Change Works(tm) approach using The Provocative Icon System ™ created byhim to communicate the effective use of provocation in client sessions. With over three decadesof working in personal development Nick is known to be outspoken and at times controversial inhis views which frequently challenge many of the sacred cow beliefs in therapy and change work.On these DVDs he demonstrates how he works in client sessions and reveals many of the skillsused in his work on the BBC curing clients with longstanding phobias and other difficultbehavioural problems. Austin writes, “All too often I have witnessed therapists delivering sessions that consist of littlemore than an intellectual exploration of issues, or worse still, therapists rely on scriptedtechniques and processes whilst trying to mask their own personality and emotions in the gameof ‘state management’. Hardly a good role model; and whilst such an approach may benefit someclients, I have often found that the addition of a sense of drama to the session can significantlyfacilitate change work. By engaging the full emotional response-set of the client, resistance canbe by-passed and deep therapeutic change created. But in order for this to happen, first thetherapist must be prepared to cultivate their own response sets to their clients and improviseappropriately.”Bringing with him his background experiences from critical care areas such as neurosurgery andAccident and Emergency, Andrew T. Austin is very familiar with working in environmentswhere reacting to unexpected events and the need to improvise are crucial to the effectivedelivery of care and support. In clinical practice as a private therapist he has long lamented the”blank slate” or “blotting paper” approaches used by so many of his therapy contemporaries. Toomany therapists seek to minimize their presence in the therapeutic setting by remainingemotionless and non-judgmental in the face of challenging behaviours and symptoms. Austin’sprimary motto for therapy students is, “In order to help them, you must be more powerful thanyour clients problem” and thus it is the combination of Improvisation and Provocative Therapythat provides one such platform for developing this power. Please keep this a elib exclusive, thanks.Contributors of the “Therapeutic Excellence – Nick Kemp and Andrew Austin”:Ratio FreeElite/VIP: 2 weeksPower Users (PU): 7 weeksUsers: Upgrade to PU or contribute to “Therapeutic Excellence” GB at are the standard group buy lead times.Thanks to pjim for initiating this GB.Thanks to ddelias for your assistance in this GB!Special Thanks to Adapt for uploading :Depression – A Neurolinguistic Perspective x3 CD and Lecture Notes
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