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Jerry Stocking – Law of Opposites

Jerry Stocking – Law of Opposites
[29 MP3]



Please Keep This ExclusiveThe is part of the Jerry Stocking Spiritual Seduction here is the copy for The Law of Opposites,  a teleseminar Jerry had last year. Law of OppositesOver the past twenty-nine years I have spun out many models inspired by discoveries about what makes us tick. Each model has its strong and weak points. The model I would like to speak of now is one I have just discovered. I call it Re-Opposite. Little Bear (our mind) is based on dichotomies, which are scales built with an opposite on each end. On one side of a scale is good on the other is bad. On one side is up on the other side is down. On one side is right and on the other side is wrong. We dance between these opposites, we live between these opposites. Not just on one point between them but on several. We live on the point based on how “good” we perceive ourselves to be, on the point at which someone else perceives how “good” we are, and at the point of how “good” we “really” are. All the while, all these different representations of ourselves play together sometimes more and sometimes less happily. By the way, happy and sad is another scale.Little Bear (our mind), is opposite bound.  We build these scales so that we can spend our life mediating between these opposites.  We try and be a little more good, or a little more happy or a little more wealthy, all just moving perceptual points on a created scale. Trying to have Little Bear (our mind) escape the law of opposites is a waste of time and energy. As is trying to get closer to one pole, say happy, than the other, say sad. True opposites balance. They are equal and you simply can’t get more of one than the other.We while away our time trying to get ahead or trying to escape the law of opposites. This endless, unrewarding pursuit has life simply not be the grand treat it can be.I offer you an alternative. I offer you the chance to Re-Opposite.”What is Re-Opposite?”, you say. And I say, “Please join me in exactly that discovery.”Not just the discovery of what it is, but the much more rewarding evolutionary step forward into a new world of opposites that actually sets Little Bear free.Does any of this make sense to you? It wouldn’t surprise me if it is a bit confusing. This new model is like nothing you have ever heard or felt before.  The relief is so easy, so gentle and so philosophically and physically deep that it will continually surprise and delight you.While I would like to explain more about The Law of Opposites and Re-Opposite I will save it. I will save it for those of you who are really interested. Those of you who are really ready for your minds to be released from the tyranny of resisting opposites, trying to figure things out and trying to get a little more happy than sad.I will introduce Re-Opposite for the first time in a weekend phone course. I will offer it twice, once in January and once in February. Each course will consist of three one and a half to two hour sessions spaced over three days.  Each course will be Thursday evening, Saturday afternoon and Sunday afternoon. You will be able to join in on your telephone. The course will also be recorded and the recording will be made available to those of you who attend.


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