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John Ruskan – Emotional Clearing – 2003 Edition

John Ruskan – Emotional Clearing (2003).pdf
[1 ebook – PDF]


This new exclusive material is the result of the A 6-Week Program in Emotional Clearing group buy.This group buy is still open and the group buy forum is listed at: Clearing:An East/West Guide to Releasing Negative Feelings and Awakening Unconditional HappinessAuthors: John RuskanPublished: 2003 – Updated EditionDescription: 328 pages scanned, OCRed and bookmarked to 1 PDF.EMOTIONAL CLEARING is the means for you to go DEEP into self-understanding and self-actuated emotional release work that will fit in with your consciousness advancement path.Based on a unique fusion of proven Eastern  and Western  principles, Emotional Clearing provides you with a comprehensive psychological philosophy that will enable you to understand how your feelings work and how to release the built-up, negative subconscious.Emotional Clearing is full of penetrating insights into the emotional aspects of consciousness work. For example, one of its foundational principles and an example of how it departs from the simplistic New Age thinking often found today is its understanding of how we attract experiences, conditions, and types of people into our lives.Many people will tell you that thoughts create your reality; change your thoughts, and you will change your reality, and also your feelings, they say. But I believe it’s the other way around: It’s feelings that attract negative circumstances into your life, not thoughts.When negative feelings are not handled properly, they do not release, but get stored in latent form in what has come to be called “the subconscious,” or, in Eckhart Tolle’s terminology, the Pain Body. Even feelings from years, or life-times ago, are stored in the subconscious. Thoughts do not have this characteristic. And what exactly is stored?Feelings are composed of energy, and as this energy continues to build in the subconscious, it starts to act out. It’s the energy of the feelings that influences us, coloring our thoughts, beliefs, perceptions, our health, and eventually attracting negative circumstances.Like attracts like; and it’s the negative feeling energy in the subconscious that attracts negative circumstances. Negative feelings in the subconscious easily overpower any contrary thought that might be held in the conscious mind in order to attract positive conditions. We continue to attract negative conditions and experiences, based on the negative feelings trapped in the subconscious. In the East, this phenomenon is called Karma.I have seen over and over, both in myself and the clients I work with, that favorable circumstances arise spontaneously when negative feelings are released. There is no need to laboriously try to hold positive thoughts in the mind, which only adds to left-brain stress. In fact, because of the law of Duality, holding positive thoughts in the mind to try to counter negative feeling energies in the subconscious will only stir up those negative feelings and attract more negativity!The important thing to get is that negative feelings cannot be eliminated by trying to cultivate positive thoughts or feelings to replace or recondition the negative.The negative feelings must be released directly by some kind of process based on an accurate understanding of how the subconscious works.Learn how to manage, transcend, & clear negative feelings.Stop being the victim.Prevent negative feelings from leading to destructive behavior.Maintain tranquility in the face of difficult experiences.Learn how to withdraw your projections.John Ruskan’s web site is at: keep this a elib exclusive, thanks.Thanks to ikki85 for starting this group buy and to everyone who is supporting this small group buy.Contributors: Ratio FreeElite/VIP: 3 weeksPower Users (PU): 7 weeksUsers: Upgrade to PU or contribute at:… Thanks, Mazen


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