Love or Above – Christie Marie Sheldon
Love or Above – Christie Marie Sheldon
[1 video – flv, 8 CDs – MP3, 3 – PDFs]
Love or Above – Christie Marie SheldonDid You Know New Research Has Already PROVEN That Your Energetic Frequency Can Prevent You From Achieving The Life You Desire – No Matter How Hard You Try Or What Law Of Attraction Or Personal Growth Tool You Use?REVEALED: The 12 Most Powerful Energy Tools You Can Apply Instantly To Raise Your Vibration And Clear Your Manifesting Blockages, Allowing You To Finally Accept Everything The Universe Has Been Trying To Give You From Health To Love And Abundance.To Anyone Not Yet Satisfied With Their Ability To Attract Or Manifest,Seminars. Classes. Hatha Yoga. Transcendental Meditation. Article after article. Hours of listening to a personal growth guru talk, talk, and talk.Chances are you’ve tried one of these or maybe even all of them.Maybe they’ve helped. You’ve attracted some of the things you want in life, but if you’re like 99% of the rest of the world you have plenty more goals you want to accomplish, tons more wealth to be created and a lot more joy to be had. * Perhaps you’ve invested your money, but are waiting on returns. * Maybe you have a car, but not the one you wanted. * Maybe you’ve got a great job, but it’s not your dream career. * Perhaps your healthy, but you’re not as fit as you want to be.In other words, you’re stuck in a manifesting rut. You’ve hit a level that may be above average, but it is not nearly where you want to be or know you can be.The reason for this is not because you haven’t worked hard enough or you haven’t attended enough seminars, and it’s not that you haven’t tried enough things.It’s because you haven’t tried raising your vibration.I’ll say that again because it’s so important. You haven’t tried raising your vibration. The sole reason why you are where you are is because you’re vibrating at the average human level of 207 on a scale that reaches 1000.The good news it that you do not need to reach 1000 to reap the benefits. All you have to do is raise your vibration to the level of Love or Above, which is 500. At 500 and above is where Love, Joy, and Abundance are all easily within your grasp. Once you’re vibrating at this level, you’ll become a magnet for the things you truly want.It all starts with your personal vibration, and if you think this still sounds a bit “out there” then read on to see the shocking research behind it.6 CDs plus tools:Muscle Testing videoTool #1: Applied KinesiologyMake the Right Decisions at All TimesHave you ever wanted a reliable tool to help you get answers to big life questions such as, “Should I take this job?”, and “Is this the best school for my children’s personal growth?”.This technique now allows you to quickly and easily get answers. This is also known as muscle testing, and is based on the fact that our bodies are tapped into a higher intelligence at a subtle level. High energy causes a different response in our muscles than lower energies. By learning to distinguish these responses you can ask yourself a question such as “Is he/she the right partner for me?” and get an intuitive pulse on whether the answer is yes or no. Imagine how this can change the quality of your decisions in life.Life-Path OptimizerTool #2: Life-Path OptimizerThe Art of Asking Life Changing QuestionsYou know what’s so amazing about children? They’re always asking questions and growing! But as we get older society starts to box us into levels of thinking and societal constructs that range from the absurd to the harmful. And we stop questioning things as often. This has probably limited your possibilities and awareness of your true purpose.That’s why questions are the biggest door opener, but you’ve got to ask the right questions in the right way! Only then will you get new awareness, new answers and new opportunities. This essential guide shows you exactly how to ask the right questions and receive the right answers, so you move towards a life that serves you.Wisdom MeditationTool #3: The Wisdom MeditationConnecting to Your Infinite-SelfAre you feeling lost or not sure what to do? Maybe you’ve got a problem at work that you don’t know how to solve. Or maybe you just need a little inspiration or pick-me-up.This 30-minute guided meditation connects you to your Infinite-Self. Tapping into your higher self will give you the answers you seek, fill you with inspiration and allow you to harness those parts of yourself that you rarely use. Best of all, the more you connect to your Infinite-Self, the happier you become!Connecting to Your Guides MeditationTool #4: Connecting to Your Guides MeditationGetting Support from a Higher PowerThis tool is a favorite for many! When you open your awareness and connect to your Guides, you’ll get access to answers and guidance previously closed to you. You also start to find elegant synchronicities appearing in your life : unexpected phone calls, chance encounters, and opportunities falling into your lap.The greatest thing about connecting to your Guides is they will know exactly what unique spiritual gift you’ll need at this point in your life, and they’ll generously supply you with your very own spiritual gifts and opportunities to help you overcome obstacles and move towards a life of purpose.Energy DetoxTool #5: The Energy DetoxCleaning up Negative Residual Energy from Your BeingWe’re always picking up energy from around us during our day. You could pick up negative energy in the subway on your commute, or maybe somebody is mad at you and you’ve received the negative energy they directed at you.That’s why, just like taking a shower, it’s important you routinely clear energy. This exercise clears your energy field of emotional scars and negative energy that you picked up along the way, clearing low vibrations and maintaining your energy levels in positive fields. It results in you feeling more energetic and powerful and radiant as you go through your day.Energy RadarTool #6: Energy RadarBecoming Immune to the Negative Energies of Those Around YouWhat if the majority of your thoughts in your head are not actually your own thoughts? Maybe you’ve stopped at a red traffic light and suddenly feel annoyed, even though you’re not running late. You could actually be picking up on the negative energy of the driver behind you whose running late!Because your body often picks up on lower energies coming from someone else, this could unnecessarily be holding you down. So I’ve put in this technique which will help you identify the true source of negative energy, and show you how to release and return the energy with blessings and love.Cutting Cords MeditationTool #7: The Cord Cutting MeditationRemoving Old, Unresolved Energy Patterns that No Longer Serves YouEnergy cords are very present within families and are often from negative emotions like fear, anger and worry. Energy cords holding you back often come from ex-partners or ex-lovers. We form these “energy cords” with anyone we’ve had an intense encounter with, whether sexual or anger. Some cord are good, but many are negative and keep you tied energetically to people you may want to let go.Thing is, whatever trauma or main event that happens in your life will leave a mark in your energy. And if it’s negative, it can act as a “kink” in your future manifestation if you don’t clear them. This 30-minute meditation cuts the old, unresolved energy that your body is begging you to release.Vision Board EnergizerTool #8: Vision Board EnergizerThe Next Level in the Vision Board ExerciseI’m sure you know that a vision board is a very powerful tool to recreate your life, right? Well, if it hasn’t really been working for you, then it’s probably because you’ve attached negative energy to the vision board. For example, a creeping doubt or self-esteem issue is preventing you from fully embracing something on your board. Maybe you desire a perfect relationship, but have self-esteem issues that secretly make you fear commitment. It’s time to energize your vision board to clear away these blockages.This power-boosting exercise will quickly align higher vibrational frequencies with your vision board, so you can have the reality of your choosing.Key to Self-MasteryTool #9: Key to Self-MasteryHow to Manifest Your Desires, Faster and More OftenEver feel like sometimes you just get lucky, and sometimes you don’t? Or that sometimes what you visualize manifests, and sometimes it doesn’t? Well, there is a way to be “lucky” all the time.This exercise helps you uncreate and destroy the viewpoints that are not working for you. At the end of it, you’ll get clear about what it is you truly desire in life. If there’s one thing you need to truly master life, this is it.When you practice this exercise, it’s no longer going to be hit or miss. You’ll be able to choose a life you love and then simply allow it into your existence!Getting into Your Heart SpaceTool #10: Getting into Your Heart SpaceCreating a Calm, Cool Confidence to Stride Towards Your DreamsWhen things get stressful, when people are relying on you to make quick decisions, or perhaps when you’re simply feeling overwhelmed, it’s time to connect to your heart space. The heart center is the point of awareness where feelings and energy are. It is a space of consciousness and not just an organ that pumps blood. In its highest energy form, the heart space has the quality of peace and light.This tool helps you tap into your heart space and center your inner self by helping you connect to the source of your awareness in its purest form. You’ll come out feeling calm and revived—and able to tackle the challenges that lie in your way.Blessing Ball of LightTool #11: Blessing Ball of LightLearning the Art of Giving ‘Blessings’Imagine if you could hold in your hands a ball of light, and in this ball of light you can put in all the goodness that you can imagine. From happiness to joy, forgiveness to productivity and anything else your heart can imagine, this glowing ball of light will grow bigger and bigger with each blessing. And then —whoosh!— you can project this radiant energy vibration into your heart, or you could even send this energy to someone else’s heart, like your loved ones or children.Well, you don’t have to imagine anymore because this is the Blessing Ball of Light. Remember, you are a creator capable of creating your life, and with this tool you can make changes to your day, or someone else’s, ahead of time.Spiritual First-Aid for FamiliesTool #12: Spiritual First-Aid for FamiliesCreating More Loving Bonds within Your FamilyEnergy cords between family members are the strongest, and the level of your family consciousness will have a great affect over you, vice versa. I’ve put in this tool because I know how important it is to simultaneously help raise your family consciousness to vibrations of Love or Above.These tools and blessings will help you heal relationship wounds, create stronger bonds, enhance intuitive communication and deepen the connection you have with your loved ones and those who really matter to you.There’s also these additional supporting tools, designed to further lock-in your energetic frequencies at vibrations of Love or Above:* Light Contract: A proven declaration to make the Universe aware of your intentions so it can support you in every way* Attitudes of Gratitude Journal: 3-Step guided action plan to double your energetic frequency* Truth Detector: Recognizing your true intuition* Fear-Buster: What to do if fear or anger show up* Negative Laxative: Flushes out the stagnant energy that’s poisoning your body* Space Cleanser: Instantly suck out negative energy out of any space or place* Intuitive Awareness Questionnaire: Supplementsthe Life-Path Optimizer to help you recognize the right answerCompanion WorkbookThis workbook goes hand-in-hand with the toolkit to lift your vibration easier and faster.The step-by-step practical exercises also have additional tips, examples and information to strengthen your understanding as you progress through each module.More at
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