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Jim Bauer – How To Detect An Affair

Jim Bauer – How To Detect An Affair
[2 ebooks – PDF]


This new exclusive material is from the Detect an Affair (How to Catch Cheaters) group buy.This group buy is closed and the forum is listed at: To Detect An AffairAuthor: Jim BauerPublished: 2009Book Description: 93 page PDF with bookmarks added.Is that special someone lying to you?How To Get Rock Solid Proof That Your Partner Is Cheating On You In 48 Hours With Zero Risk.You’ll Know With Whom, Where, When, How Long… And Finally Arm Yourself To Stop The Lies And Humiliation.You’ve given all of yourself to somebody. You’ve revealed your innermost thoughts and feelings. You think your relationship is “special”, or that maybe… just maybe… you’ve found the soul mate you’ve wanted for so long.But the whiffs of somebody else’s perfume, or the “secret” cell phone calls at odd hours, or the cold feeling when you’re intimate make you wonder.Is he seeing someone else? Is she in somebody else’s arms over lunch? Is this person going behind your back like they don’t care about you at all… like they’re just using you?Most people have a nagging feeling that their partner is cheating before they really know. But cheating is more (much more) than just a nagging feeling in your gut…Cheating Could Be Killing YouCheating not only destroys the relationship you thought you had, and makes you feel used, abused and thrown away. You’re probably feeling that way right now, and you don’t even know for sure yet whether it’s really going on.What’s devastating about cheating is that it also Kills your happiness Causes depression and anxiety Wreaks havoc with your appetite and sleep patterns Makes you feel like you’re ugly, or can’t measure up in the bedroom Exposes you to much higher risk of sexually transmitted diseaseAll of that because your partner is being selfish and cruel. Cheating obviously isn’t a “harmless” game. It’s harming you.The only way to stop it is to know, once and for all, if it’s really going on, so you can put a cold, hard halt to behavior that’s robbing you of the life you should have.Uncover The Truth And End The Misery NOWThe How To Detect An Affair guide gives you all the tools you need to learn the truth, once and for all.This is the real deal, based on actual detective work by super relationship sleuths and private detectives. It’s not some fluffy relationship guide that tells you how to put the fire back in the bedroom.You’ll get step-by-step tactics for discovering whether your partner is cheating or not, with whom, where, when, how often, for how long… everything you need to know to end the suspicion and bring it all out into the light of day. Take the Cheater’s Checklist to know if you have a reason to be concerned. Why be worried if you can know whether or not you should be? This infamous and amazingly accurate checklist quantifies the likelihood of actual cheating and (this is the best part) shows you areas of your life where you need to look for evidence. There’s no guesswork here. Discover the one fundamental error every cheater (yes EVERY) makes. Once you know this, you don’t have to doubt your instincts anymore. You’ll know without the shadow of a doubt. Recognize the solid shocking clues. Ever hear that love is blind? Well, you can’t afford to be blind when someone’s cheating on you. There are some obvious signs of infidelity that people always seem to ignore—sudden changes in dress or exercise habits (is he trying to look good for somebody else?), covert travel arrangements, perfume of cologne scent, and so on. Don’t overlook or deny these! I’ll spell them all out for you so you can’t miss them and fool yourself. Learn expert-level “cell phone sabotage” tactics. Is your partner getting strange cell phone calls and acting suspicious by cutting calls short? Does he or she delete all messages nervously and quickly? I’ll show you how to hack into your partner’s cell phone call history, reverse the calls, and know exactly who he or she was talking to. I’ll even show you how to recover deleted text messages. Master covert surveillance. You don’t need your partner to know you’re watching. I’ll show you how to catch a cheat even when they’re not around. You can pinpoint infidelity in no time flat, even if your partner is working late, working strange hours, or even out of town in another city, state or country. You don’t have to be a genius to do this, or have nerves of steel—you just have to know what to do. Become a human polygraph. That’s right, you’ll be a nearly foolproof lie detector. I’ll show you how to recognize and understand the uncontrollable unconscious cues that will expose your cheater for what they’re doing. Uncover the nasty tricks your cheater might use to hide their trail. Oh, they’re smart about it. They’ll try to cover the paper trail of their indiscretions, but you don’t have to let them get away with it. Use these simple tricks to expose them. Transform yourself into an electronic mastermind. I’ll show you exactly how to become a genius at painlessly tracking down email passwords, credit card statements, phone records, Internet browsing histories—everything you need to have a documented evidence trail of cheating. And you’ll do it in complete secrecy, with no chance of getting caught. Be a relentless bloodhound. If a cheater suspects you’re on the trail (hey, suspicion can go both ways), they’ll use every trick in the book to throw you off the scent. Once you read my step-by-step guide, you’ll never lose the trail again. Expose the gaping holes in your sex life that shine a spotlight on cheating. And I mean a real spotlight. You’ll be able to know who they’ve probably been cheating with, how long it’s been going on, and even why they started cheating in the first place. All while they don’t know they’re telling you every hidden detail with a touch. Discover the most common and embarrassing mistake that could unravel your sleuthing. This could make your whole infidelity investigation come apart at the seams. I’ll show you how to avoid this entirely, and prevent the 100% unnecessary frustration and embarrassment. Unleash CSI Infidelity. I’ll show you how to investigate your partner’s space and personal effects to uncover any signs of cheating. You’ll know how to search offices, cars, filing cabinets, rooms in your house, all with discretion and accuracy. Find the evidence that might be right under your nose without triggering the slightest suspicion.        Be a mind reader. Not really (this isn’t hocus-pocus), but I’ll show you the subconscious, unconscious cues every cheating partner gives off. You’ll know how to read body language and other verbal and nonverbal cues that reveal a loss of trust, and most likely cheating. It’s time to read your partner like a book! Know your partner’s gender specific cheating tactics. Make no mistake, men and women are VERY different when it comes to cheating. They think, feel and even lie differently. Regardless of whether your partner is a man or a woman, you’ll know their innermost thoughts and motives so you’ll never be fooled. Take a crash course in Infidelity Recovery 101. Once you know, it’s time to act. I’ll show you the best way to catch your partner red-handed and confront them so you can get on the road to recovery fast. There are several ways to do this, based on your personality, and I’ll give you advice tailored to be most effective for who you are. Get top confrontation tips. Cheaters don’t like being found out. If you confront them (and you really should), you have to be prepared in every way. I’ll show you how to prepare emotionally (an often neglected need), verbally, physically, and most important of all, legally. Your partner won’t have a prayer of talking their way out of being caught, and dealing with it. Spot the pre-determined cheat. If there’s nothing going on right now, that might not be true forever. Some people are hard-wired to cheat. I’ll show you how to know if your partner is predisposed to it, and what you can do if they are to give you the best chance for happiness in the future.Simple quizzes in shopping market mags and “relationship theory” won’t cut it. You need hard evidence, proof, solid confidence. That’s what How To Detect An Affair shows you how to get.The web site for this material is at: ebook from Michael Webb was also included as a bonus.The bonus book “101 Romantic Ideas” was previously posted and it now dead at:, it is included for the group buy contributors.Please keep this a elib exclusive, thanks.Contributors: Ratio FreeElite/VIP: 3 weeksPower Users (PU):  7 weeksUsers: UpgradeThanks, Mazen


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