Private Library for Anything and Everything – Chakra Power- The key Ingredient In All Spiritual Development!

[7 MP3s]


Description – Chakra Power- The key Ingredient In All Spiritual Development!Chakra Stimulation is an ancient art used by Practitioners of Yoga and Meditation experts to heighten spiritual awareness.  Spiritual energy is the core of every ability you possess, and Chakras are the factories of this spiritual energy.  In several ways, the Chakras are the most important thing to develop.The human nervous system is a network connecting the sensory organs to the brain.  The Chakras, or energy centers, act as a “pump” which direct spiritual energy through this system.  For example, Earth energy is drawn up through your Root Chakra and passed to the Sacral Chakra which is then passed to the Solar Plexus, then the heart, then throat, brow, and finally the crown.  Once energy reaches beyond the crown, experiences and sensations move to realms beyond explanation.  The Chakra system is considered by many to be the most important system to work on.  It is a base on which most other development is built.The Chakra Stimulating system stimulates each of the seven Chakras with different frequency ranges and predetermined base frequencies.  It has been reported to be extremely effective by users worldwide!  The minds of yogis undergoing deep spiritual progression have been studied for years, and now by integrating our system into what we know of their brain patterns, we are able to give you the tools to reproduce their experiences!Ultimate Chakra PackageIncludes: All 7 Individual Chakra Recordings Below! This is the absolute best way to stimulate your whole Chakra system! Root ChakraLength: 15 MinutesDescription: This is the starting point. Energy is drawn in to your system through the Root Chakra. Sacral ChakraLength: 15 MinutesDescription: This is the second Chakra in line. The Root passes energy to the Sacral Chakra. Solar PlexusLength: 15 MinutesDescription: The energy from the Sacral continues on to the Solar Plexus Chakra. Heart ChakraLength: 15 MinutesDescription: The Heart Chakra receives it’s energy from the Solar Plexus Chakra, and passes the energy to the Throat Chakra. Throat ChakraLength: 15 MinutesDescription: You guesses it..  The Heart chakra passes the energy to the Throat Chakra. Third Eye ChakraLength: 15 MinutesDescription: When the Throat Chakra sends the energy to the Third Eye Chakra, you have reached the “higher Chakras”. Crown ChakraLength: 15 MinutesDescription: Finally the crown is stimulated from the energy the previous Chakra’s passed. Once this stage is reached, the magic happens.Isochronic Tones If you are looking for the most effective type of brainwave entrainment, Isochronic Tones are the way to go. Isochronic Tones also use equal intensity tones, but the pulse speed is greater, causing the brain to synchronize with the rhythm.  In 1999, Thomas Budzynski Ph.D.  published a case in the Journal of Neurotherapy which showed that a group of 8 college students increased their GPA with the use of audio brainwave stimulation, and their GPA continued to increase even after the brainwave entrainment was finished.The web page for this material is at:


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