Rob Pincus – Combat Focus Shooting
Rob Pincus – Combat Focus Shooting
[1 DVD – MP4]
The Combat Focus Shooting Program is an intuitive shooting program designed by Rob Pincus to work efficiently with the body’s natural reactions during a dynamic critical incident. Unlike many traditional programs, CFS does not take a purely mechanical approach to shooting training in isolation from the context in which the skill must be used. CFS is not simply “point shooting,” it is a training methodology that leads to more efficient defensive shooting skill.Combat Focus Shooting is the core program of the I.C.E. Training Company and is being taught by certified instructors around the United States and Europe. CFS has been integrated into various military and law enforcement training programs.Rob Pincus is the founder of I.C.E. Training Company and training consultant to S.W.A.T. Magazine. Rob developed the Combat Focus Shooting Program over the past decade to help armed professionals, military special operations personnel, law enforcement officers, and those interested in self defense training to survival lethal dynamic critical incidents.COMBAT FOCUS SHOOTING (1 hour)1. OPENING2. Combat accuracy3. Defensive shooting fundamentals (with range training)4. Efficiency & consistency5. Working with what the body does naturally6. High Compressed Ready position & presentation7. The balance between speed & precision (with range training)8. Deviation9. Four factors that affect the balance between speed & precision10. Grip & trigger control11. CLOSINGHOME DEFENSE TIPS (16.5 minutes)1. OPENING2. Escape or Barricade3. Tactical movement4. Cover & concealment inside the home5. CLOSINGBONUS SEGMENTS (16 minutes)1. Critical incident reloading2. Choosing a defensive firearm3. Firearm storage
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