Adrian Furnham – Personality And Intellectual Competence
Adrian Furnham – Personality And Intellectual Competence [1 eBook – PDF]
[1 eBook – PDF]
Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic, Adrian Furnham: Personality and Intellectual CompetenceThis book provides a comprehensive state-of-the-art review of personality and intelligence, as well as covering other variables underlying academic and occupational performance. Personality and Intellectual Competence is a unique attempt to develop a comprehensive model to understand individual difference by relating major personality dimensions to cognitive ability measures, academic and job performance, and self-assessed abilities, as well as other traditional constructs such as leadership and creativity. It will be essential reading for anyone interested in personality, intelligence, and the prediction of future achievement in general.Personality and Intellectual Competence is an outstanding account of the relationship between major individual differences constructs. With its informative summary of the last century of research in the field, this book provides a robust and systematic theoretical background for understanding the psychological determinants of future achievement. The authors have sought to combine technical expertise with applied interests, making this a groundbreaking theoretical tool for anyone concerned with the scientific prediction of human performance.TOCPreface xiOverview: Predicting Future Achievement 1Personality Traits 32.1 History of Personality Traits 42.2 Personality Traits and States 72.3 Eysenck’s Gigantic Three and the Biological Basisof Personality Traits 92.4 Cattell’s 16PF and the Lexical Hypothesis 152.5 The Five Factor Model (Big Five) 162.6 Summary and Conclusions 23Intellectual Ability 243.1 History of Intelligence Testing 253.2 Psychometric Intelligence and the Notion of g 283.3 Cattell’s Theory of Fluid and Crystallized Intelligence 293.4 Genetic Versus Environmental Causes of Intelligence 313.5 Piaget and the Developmental Theory of Cognitive Ability 333.6 Debate: g Versus Multiple Abilities 34vii123viii CONTENTS3.7 Other Approaches: Emotional, Social, and PracticalIntelligence 373.8 Summary and Conclusions 40The Personality-Intelligence Interface 424.1 Arousability Theory and the Biological Basis of Personalityand Intelligence 434.2 Top-Down Approaches 464.3 Personality and IQ Test Performance 484.4 Neuroticism and Test Anxiety 494.5 Extraversion and Test-Taking style (Speed vs. Accuracy) 544.6 Investment Theories 564.7 Openness to Experience (Need for Cognition) 564.8 Typical Intellectual Engagement (TIE) 624.9 Agreeableness, Modesty, and Test-Taking Attitudes 634.10 Conscientiousness (Need for Achievement) 654.11 Summary and Conclusions 66Personality and Intelligence as Predictors of Academic 68and Work Performance5.1 Psychometric Intelligence and the Prediction of AP 705.2 Personality Traits and the Prediction of AP 725.3 The Gigantic Three and AP 735.4 Neuroticism, Worry, and Exam Stress 745.5 Extraversion and Study Habits 775.5 Psychoticism and Poor AP 795.6 Openness and AP 805.7 Agreeableness and AP 815.8 Conscientiousness and AP 835.9 Current Directions on Personality Traits and AP 845.10 Success in the Workplace 855.11 Evidence Versus Belief 875.12 Personality Traits and WP 885.13 Summary and Conclusions 9245CONTENTS ix6 Self-Concepts and Subjectively Assessed Intelligence (SAI) 936.1 Intelligence From a Lay Perspective 966.2 History of Lay Conceptions of Intelligence Research 986.3 Sternberg’s Research on Lay Conceptions ofIntelligence 1016.4 Gender Differences in SAI 1036.5 Estimating Relatives’ Scores 1076.6 Culture Differences in Estimated Intelligence 1106.7 Estimates of Other and Multiple Intelligences 1126.8 Correlations Between Self-Estimated and PsychometricallyMeasured IQ 1146.9 SAI and AP 1176.10 SAI and Personality Traits 1196.11 Summary and Conclusions 1207 Individual Differences and Real-Life Outcomes 1237.1 Leadership 1247.2 Creativity 1297.3 Art Judgment 1377.4 Summary and Conclusions 1428 Overall Summary and Conclusions 144References 151Author Index 181Subject Index 189Preview:
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