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Stephen Arroyo – Astrology, Psychology and the Four Elements

Astrology, Psychology And The Four Elements.pdf
[1 eBook – PDF]


This is from the book’s prologue:This book is written  in two distinct  parts. The first  six chaptersof Part  I were originally  included in a master’s thesis for an in psychology at California  State University,  Sacramento.The  original  thesis, before extensive editing,  was awarded the1973 Astrology  Prize by  the British  Astrological  Association asthe most valuable  contribution   to astrology  during  that  year. Mymain  orientation  in  writing   that  section was to  clarify  variousapproaches to astrology  and to reveal its  practical  utility,   espe-cially  in ways directly  related to the field of psychology. Althoughit  was written  primarily   for those who are totally  unfamiliar   withthe astrological point  ofview,  students or practitioners  ofastrol-ogT can also benefit from  it.  For, not only does it  contribute  to asynthesis and deeper understanding ofastrological  premises, butit is also useful as an aid to answering the endless questions of thethoughtful  general public or the prejudicial criticisms of the unin-formed.Part  II  of the  book provides a  foundation  for  all  astrologicaltheory  in  terms  of energy, through  a systematic explanation  ofthe ancient concept of the four  elements. Since the elements de-scribe the  actual  energies symbolized by astrological factors, anunderstanding  of their  principles  enables one to  synthesize themeaning  of a birth-chart   in  a practical  and  immediate  way.  Itseems to  me  that  the  biggest  obstacle in  a  student’s  learningastrology or in a practitioner’s  ability  to use astrology in a practi-cal, helpful  way is the lack of synthesizing methods presented inastrological  writings.  There  are  so many  beginning  textbooksavailable  nowadays, but  only  rarely  does one find  in  print   anexplanation of how to penetrate to the core meaning of astrologi-cal factors or of how to see a simple pattern  of order within  theendless combinations represented in  birth-charts.  


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