Frederic Patenaude – Low Fat Raw Vegan Cuisine
Frederic Pautenade LOW FAT RAW VEGAN CUISINE DVD 1-2
[ 2 DVDs – AVI and 2 PDFs ]
This is a smaller rip of website: Patenaude:The two DVDs in the series literally show every single kind of essential raw food meal one can make. Different Kinds of Raw Food MealsThis is the only DVD series teaching the low-fat raw food diet. Every other DVD only teaches high-fat, unhealthy recipes drenched in oils, nuts and avocados.Throughout the DVD, charts and slides highlight the main points and give additional information.In my recipes, I also avoid unhealthy ingredients such as salt and strong condiments. Like a famous chef said “anything will taste good with salt and garlic!” It takes much more imagination and skills to make simple raw foods taste good. And that’s what you’ll learn in this series.DVD1This is a one-of-a-kind DVD. The biggest problem with the raw food diet is the tendency people have to consume too much fat on it.If that happens to you, then you probably don’t have a good arsenal of fat-free recipes you can make.That’s why I dedicated ONE entire DVD on this type of cuisine, where ALL of my recipes contain no added fat (such as avocados, nuts, seeds, oils), but yet are delicious and bursting with flavor : * How to make a salt-free vegetable seasoning * The art of raw smoothies. Green smoothie (including my favorite green smoothie recipe — ever!) * Fruit soup — one of the best fruit meals you can make * Fat-free vegetable soup. These soups are so delicious that I have one every night. Learn how to make these amazing soups without even needing to add extra fat in them. * Fat-free dressings * Fat free salads * The equipment to use on the low fat raw dietDVD2Te second DVD in the series contains the rest of the low-fat cuisine techniques, with recipes incorporating whole foods such as avocados, nuts, seeds, etc.Here’s what’s covered: * Vegetable juicing * Creamy vegetable soups * Creamy blended salads * Low fat dressings * Low fat salads * Low-fat nut pate * Avocado dips * Fat-free raw spaghetti * How to open a coconut! Plus: nifty kitchen tools to use! * Dessert recipes: coconut cream, durian pudding, and more!
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