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Mark Certo – Rest Easy : The Ultimate Sleep Aid – The Tranquility Training Method (TTM)

Rest Easy – The Ultimate Sleep Aid
[1 CD – 2 FLACs, 1 Image – JPEG]



Rest Easy : The Ultimate Sleep Aid by Mark CertoThe Tranquility Training Method (TTM)[FLAC]Throughout the world, millions of people are plagued with insomnia and other sleep disorders which can result in illness, mental fatigue, irritability and a host of other problems. Tranquility Training offers Rest Easy: The Ultimate Sleep Aid as a safe and effective means to help you fall to sleep easily. Derived from clinical EEG data for normal sleep patterns, the brainwave entrainment matrix on Rest Easy will help you move into deep sleep in no time at all. The technology has been used by thousands of people worldwide to help them get the rest they need without the use of harmful sleep drugs. So put on a pair of headphones, push play on the CD Player and rest easy. Sleep is on the way. Contains One CD with Two Sleep tracks.* Instantly achieve deep physical relaxation* Gently move into deep refreshing sleep without the use of drugs* Enjoy a refreshing 20 minute midday “Power Nap”* Help relieve the harmful physical and psychological effects of sleep depravation* Sleep more soundly* Learn to conquer insomnia* Wake up refreshed instead of drowsy* Enjoy good physical, mental and emotional health* Stop using unnecessary sleep drugs* Overcome Jet Lag* Fall to sleep easily and naturallyDiscover why Tranquility Training Meditation CD’s are the finest in the genre!* TTM CD’s will help you achieve a deep relaxation of mind and body as easily as wearing headphones!* TTM reverse engineers EEG data into a binaural beat sound technology which entrains brainwaves into the perfect state of relaxation . This technology will help you achieve the deepest meditative states in no time at all.* TTM CD’s are produced by Mark Certo (formally of The Monroe Institute), the world’s leading authority in the field of binaural beat recording techniques. Tens of thousands worldwide have benefited from his many years of experience.* TTM technology is the product of over four decades of clinical research and is trusted by clinicians in therapeutic practice as a safe and effective means of helping their patients achieve beneficial states of consciousness.* TTM technology empowers the listener to participate completely in the experience and is free of subliminal messages.* Each recording is sensitively scripted and soothingly narrated to create the ultimate meditation experience.* We provide non-dogmatic techniques for conscious living that can be integrated easily into any spiritual practice.* TTM marries spirituality and science to help you achieve peace of mind and expanded awareness.The Tranquility Training Method (TTM) was created with one singular principal in mind. To offer a means of living gracefully in a continually changing world. This sense of grace, is achieved by introducing the willing participant to the deepest parts of themselves through meditation.The origins of TTM began in December of 2001 when Mark Certo (former recording engineer for The Monroe Institute), began to re-consider the purpose of his life’s work.  As a recording engineer and musician, Certo had a profound appreciation of the power of sound to envoke emotional states in the listener. This knowledge had been expanded when in 1988, he had been invited to join the lab team at TMI by the Institute’s founder Robert Monroe. Monroe had become quite well known for several books he had written about his experiences in the Out of Body State. For the next fourteen years, Certo had become deeply involved in the scientific exploration of brainwaves and altered states of consciousness. It was during this time that Certo became instrumental in refining the applications of the Binaural Beat phenomena known as Hemi-Sync to induce beneficial states of consciousness.The Institute is an organization well known for its research into altered states of consciousness like the Out of Body State. During his tenure at TMI, Certo had the great fortune of meeting and working with some of the most fascinating minds in the field of consciousness research. Remote Viewers, Energetic Healers, Astronauts, Scientists, Clinicians in all fields of western medicine, were continually in circulation. “It was a heady time those early days at TMI ”. says Certo with a smile on his face. “People were constantly in the lab being tested on the latest experimental frequencies. There was always a desire to move them higher and higher….further and further in consciousness away from the physical. It was a bit like a party! For me, it seemed like something was lacking in the thinking. The exploration of non-ordinary states of consciousness took precedence over physical life! It was as if the folks who coveted these experiences, were somehow trying to avoid reality, rather than live in it fully.” The serious questions about the origins of these peak expereinces and the truest nature of consciousness were always foremost in his thinking. “What do these expereinces tell us about ourselves?” he would ask regularly as he observed the participants eager for the OBE. “The need to understand that we are more than physical is all well and good, but what about living life to the fullest? How can we use this wonderful technology to improve and empower people to do that?” The answer came years later in the form of The Tranquility Training Method.The Tranquility Training Method was designed for anyone wishing to have a powerful In The Body Experience, through exploring inner space. Certo believes that by simply helping one relax the body and mind, they can explore their inner life. “The hypnogogic state with all of it’s rich imagery is incredibly revealing. It tells us a great deal about how we percieve the events in our physical world”. The approach of TTM is very simple. First, teach the participant to access the hypnogogic state through the appropriate use of binaural beats. Second, allow this access to have the greatest impact by helping ride the edge of this awareness and discover the way their thinking process affects the way the participants worldview. Third, through this new awareness, help the participant realize that they can recreate their current worldview using the power of imagination. In addition to these, TTM gives specific techniques to help teach people how to move into peaceful states of being without the aid of binaural beats. This empowers the individual to learn how to de-stress, focus their attention and direct their awareness in a new and empowering way. “It’s very practical and extremely useful” says Certo. “The important thing to remember is that we really are in control of what happens in our physical life. At the very least, we are in control of how we respond to the events that happen. This can only be done through understanding how we respond and through focusing our intention to choose a different response. In making this choice, we begin to see how it is that we can live a tranquil life. If meditation can do one useful thing, it is this. My guess is that the earliest teachers of meditation did not mean for it to be used as a tool to escape physical reality, but to enhance it through expanding awareness to include our responsibility toward ourselves, each other and the planet.That’s my philosophy after all of the esoteric experiences. That’s what Tranquility Training is all about”.Mark Certo is a recording engineer with over 25 years experience. He has extensive training as a broadcaster and has interviewed many noted authors including: Dr.Charles Tart (author of Altered States of Consciousness) Edgar Mitchell (Apollo 14 astronaut and author of The Way of the Explorer) Joe McMoneagle (Scientific Remote Viewer) Elizabeth Kubler-Ross (author of On Death and Dying) to name a few. In addition to his 16 years experience using binaural beat stimulus to affect altered states, he has written several articles on the topics of meditation and transformative states of consciousness. He has participated as a consultant in various clinical studies testing the effectiveness of binaural beats to invoke brainwave potential. His spiritual pursuits include meditation techniques from several different disciplines. He is a passionate student of the Kabalah, from both the Lurianic and Western Esoteric traditions. His Kabalistic studies have helped him integrate a more cohesive understanding the unified themes of most religious practices, giving him an unique perspective and respect for all. He is currently undergoing a seven year training in the work of A.H.Almas, and in his second year of training in Integrated Kaballistic Healing as taught by Jason Shulman (founder of The Society of Souls). Integrating these new studies with his extensive knowledge of utilizing binaural to invoke hypnogogic states, he hopes to bring a new paradigm in helping people discover their true nature.


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