Albert Ellis – How to Control Your Anger Before It Controls You
Albert Ellis How to Control Your Anger Before It Controls You.pdf
[1 eBook – PDF]
Albert EllisHow to Control Your Anger Before It Controls You.“How to Control Your Anger Before It Controls You” is a terrific resource for both professionals and individuals interested in the application of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy to anger problems. By presenting important reasons and case examples that illustrate the grim costs of anger, readers are persuaded anger reduction will lead to more healthy physical and psychological outcomes. In a very clear and informative manner, the book presents the ABC’s of REBT. Readers are taught how to identify self-angering beliefs, such as “I can’t stand your irresponsible behavior or “You should not and must not act in that bad manner toward me” and are shown how their irrational beliefs help to create their anger and its unhealthy negative consequences. Shortly after, readers are provided with techniques and examples of how to dispute, challenge, and act against those irrational beliefs and importantly how replace those self-angering beliefs with more rational ways of thinking. Lastly, readers are provided with cognitive, emotive, and behavioral methods and assignments including unconditional self-acceptance, assertiveness, and relaxation that can further assist in the reduction of anger problems. It is evident that this empowering and invaluable resource stems from the authors’ years of clinical experience in the treatment of anger problems and furthermore, it proves to be a great edition to psychotherapy literature. do not share outside.Please read and review.
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