Love Systems-Interview Vol. 60 Intro To Online Game (Cajun and Tenmagnet)
!! KEEP THIS AT OR YOU WILL BE BANNED FOR EVER !!GB you were part of the original groupbuy, one year has passed so recontribute to continue receiving the interview series monthly.You can still get in on this Groupbuy, contact Ballin123.You should never put all your eggs in one basket when it comes to platforms for meeting women. For instance, there are many attractive females who do not frequent bars and nightclubs but you might meet them in grocery stores, gyms, or… on online dating websites. The internet is becoming an increasingly acceptable and common place to meet women but just like with cold approaching, there are a set of guidelines that you need to follow and also plenty of potential pitfalls. Instructors Cajun and Tenmagnet have mastered the art of online game and on this interview, they thoroughly explain the psychology of online dating and also reveal their secrets to succeeding. .Some of the issues covered on this interview include: * How online dating different than meeting a girl in a nightclub or coffee shop * The advantages of online game * Important things to keep in mind when meeting girls online * How to approach women online * Does all the same Love Systems material apply when meeting women online? * How to go from meeting a woman online to meeting her in person * Recommended dating websites * What makes an effective online profile * How Facebook is different from a dating site * How you can use social networking sites for keeping in touch with women you already met Quotes From The Interview”You can’t take online profiles seriously.”Cajun”As opposed to a nightclub, the internet is a better place to meet sincere people who you actually have stuff in common with.”TenmagnetRatio Free – Contributors .Standard Dates will be set when the rest of the material is posted.Elite/VIP: 2 weeksPower Users (PU): 7 weeks or contributeUsers: Upgrade to PU or contribute
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