Jane Roberts – Individual Seth Session Recordings 7-39
Jane Roberts – Individual Seth Session Recordings 7-39
[33 CDs – MP3]
http://www.sethcenter.com/pages/audio2.htmINDIVIDUAL SETH SESSION RECORDINGS (without transcripts)The Seth Audio Collection Volume I is here: covered in the Individual Tapes and CD’sOver the course of any individual session, Seth would often discuss a wide variety of topics. And there were certain topics that Seth touched upon in many sessions, like working with beliefs, becoming conscious in the dream state, spontaneity, the inner self, etc. Therefore, the description provided next to each tape is, at best, a very loose guide of the variety of information and knowledge presented by Seth during each session. All of the class sessions contain excellent material. Some of the classes also include Seth or Jane conducting an exploration of consciousness exercise, Sumari Singing, Jane discussing various topics, or Jane reading her poetry.Seth Audio #7 – “Safe Universe” Seth Session plus TranscriptTape – Item #SA7 – $15.00 or CD – Item #SA7C – $16.00Description-One of the most powerful recorded Seth sessions, this audiotape includes: Seth’s description of the “official line of consciousness”, how to shift to a new framework, exercises, Sumari singing and much more. Definitely one of the very best class sessions! “You have an entire civilization and world set up about those beliefs I have just given you–that the universe is not safe…” -SethExcerpts from The Safe Universe Audio (Seth Audio #7)”You have an entire civilization and world set up about those beliefs I have just given you-that the universe is not safe … that you must defend yourselves from enemies that come from without, and, worse of all , from enemies that are within. As long as you believe that you dwell in a universe that is a threat, you must defend yourself against it …. The official line of consciousness forms a world about it and you perceive and experience that world … while you devote yourself to that official line of consciousness the world will always appear the same – evil, disastrous, bound only for destruction … You need not say “The universe is safe” for at your present level, that will only enrage you. You say instead, “I Live in a Safe Universe, ” and so you shall. And those defenses that you set up against threats will crumble, for they will not be needed … The most I can do is to acquaint you with the authority of your own psyche – to give you a trust in the nature of your being. For, if you trust what you are, you can never go wrong in whatever terms you use. You can fly through belief systems as a butterfly flies through back yards TAPE: $15.00 CD $16.00 Seth Audio #8 – 12/1/70 Seth Session plus TranscriptTape – Item #SA8 – $15.00 or CD – Item #SA8C – $16.00Description- Seth discusses: B.F. Skinner & The Skinner Box; Good & Evil; The Spontaneous Self; The “Cause” of “Evil” & “Violence”; Joy & Vitality; Feelings; Christ; All That Is; Psychologists; Missing elements to modern psychology, Telepathy in the family, The “Idiot Flower” Analogy, Reincarnational material for a student. TAPE: $15.00 CD $16.00 Seth Audio #9 – 8/31/71 Seth Session plus TranscriptTape – Item #SA9 – $15.00 or CD – Item #SA9C – $16.00Description- This tape includes two exercises, one conducted by Seth and one conducted by Jane. Seth’s exercise involves experiencing your multidimensionality, and feeling the joy and power of your inner self. Jane’s exercise is an “adventures in consciousness” exercise to “other levels of reality”. Seth also discusses: The physical body as a hallucination, how living spontaneously can lead to extra energy, creating “conscious forms” that are extensions of you. etc. Jane discusses Helper (an energy being that she worked with for healing others), dreams, and becoming conscious in the dream state. TAPE: $15.00 CD $16.00 Seth Audio #10 – 3/21/72 Seth Session plus TranscriptTape – Item #SA10 – $15.00 or CD – Item #SA10C – $16.00Description- Seth discusses: Peak experiences; The distorted concept of sin; Aggressive energy; Working out problems; Fear of love; Spontaneity; Good & Evil; Emotions; Joy; SUMARI SINGING. TAPE: $15.00 CD $16.00 Seth Audio #11 – 5/2/72 & 5/9/72 Seth Session plus TranscriptTape – Item #SA11 – $15.00 or CD – Item #SA11C – $16.00Description- “Secret Night”-Seth discusses; Physical reality as the mirror of consciousness; “Demons”; Older & Younger versions of yourself exist now; Honoring yourself as you honor the Gods; The individual as a unique pattern of energy from ALL THAT IS; The eternal meaning & purpose of each individual; Your thoughts affect worlds that you aren’t aware of; Singing to the universe freely & filled with joy, Thoughts which we pretend not to hear. TAPE: $15.00 CD $16.00 Seth Audio #12 – 6/13/72 & 8/29/72 Seth Session plus TranscriptTape – Item #SA12 – $15.00 or CD – Item #SA12C – $16.00Description- This tape includes a session attended by Richard Bach, best-selling author of “ONE” and “Johnathan Livingston Seagull”. Seth talks to Richard Bach about feeling the energy of his being, includes a Sumari song of welcome to Richard Bach. Seth discusses: How to stop closing down certain feelings and emotions, allowing emotions mobility, how to experience “Happiness”. Simultaneous time, reincarnation, How to understand your being, Sumari singing. TAPE: $15.00 CD $16.00 Seth Audio #13 – 6/13/72 & 8/29/72 Seth Session plus TranscriptTape – Item #SA13 – $15.00 or CD – Item #SA13C – $16.00Description- Seth Discusses: communicating with a “reincarnational” self, “Health foods”, Recognizing your joy, the meaning of sound, the “shape” and “color” of sound, sounds forming worlds, Trusting yourself, those who speak of repentance and sin are not ready for Seth, How Seth comes through Jane, Mediums, Listening to the voice within you, the vitality of being speaks far more in joy than in sorrow, your being in inner and outer reality, Inner and outer reality are really the same. SUMARI SINGING and talking. TAPE: $15.00 CD $16.00 Seth Audio #14 – 10/17/72 Seth Session plus TranscriptTape – Item #SA14 – $15.00 or CD – Item #SA14C – $16.00Description- Seth Discusses: “Secret” techniques and the “forbidden” power, knowledge and wisdom, the “knowledge” is not for the few, but for the multitudes, Seth answers the question “Is there a God?”, The Sumari language, how Sumari leads you beyond words, understanding the inner reality of objects, using forbidden words like “fuck”, etc. , Jane talks to Rick and Rich about their former “Gnostic” teacher, Jane gives the class a written homework assignment on beliefs. SUMARI SINGING and talking. TAPE: $15.00 CD $16.00 Seth Audio #15 – 11/7/72 & 11/21/72 Seth Session plus TranscriptTape – Item #SA15 – $15.00 or CD – Item #SA15C – $16.00Description- Seth discusses: The causes of war, Unilateral disarmament, Reality as a replica of your thoughts, How to put an end to war, Seth comments on “draft dodging”, Seth gives the class a “Prime” belief to focus on and recommends scratching out all beliefs that conflict with it, Seth discusses: Beliefs, Invisible beliefs, Beliefs about worth, being fat, loneliness, poverty, Discovering and Changing beliefs, “perfection”, transferring feeling of success to other areas, Feeling the joy of your being, The potentials of the conscious mind, Jane translates Sumari, Seth gives the class a written homework assignment on beliefs. SUMARI singing. TAPE: $15.00 CD $16.00 Seth Audio #16 – 12/5/72 & 12/19/72 Seth Session plus TranscriptTape – Item #SA16 – $15.00 or CD – Item #SA16C – $16.00Description- Includes “The Christmas class”, Seth Discusses: Christmas, Christ, Santa Claus, The rebirth of the self, the inner self, Probable selves, life after death, Pan, Buddha, religious “Myths”, when you think the myths are reality they can entrap you, trusting your flesh, Christmas trees and what they experience, Beliefs about good and evil, violence, feeling the vitality within the atoms and molecules of your body, speaking kindly to yourselves, people who are blind, What to do if your feeling despondent, The ego as a portion of the inner self, valuing the ego, why people find it difficult to look within, rejecting beliefs about guilt, original sin and evil, displaying emotion, Feeling the vitality, laughter and joy that is your being. JANE reads two of her poems. SUMARI SINGING TAPE: $15.00 CD $16.00 Seth Audio #17 – 2/6/73 Seth Session plus TranscriptTape – Item #SA17 – $15.00 or CD – Item #SA17C – $16.00Description- Seth Discusses: Transcendental experiences, gurus, Western and Eastern schools of thought, psychologists and therapy, LSD and Doctors who work with LSD, false prophets, how to correctly use the conscious mind, studying “happy “people and carrying on the work of Maslow, ego expansion versus ego annihilation in “transcendent” states of consciousness, learning how to enjoy, understand and accept your creature-hood, you are a god couched in flesh, teaching children about dreams and out of body experiences, working out aggressions through dream therapy, why the expression of love can become inhibited, dealing with anger. TAPE: $15.00 CD $16.00 Seth Audio #18 – 3/6/73 & 3/27/73 Seth Session plus TranscriptTape – Item #SA18 – $15.00 or CD – Item #SA18C – $16.00Description- Seth gives a belief examination assignment, Seth discusses: Religion, the problems with organized religion, the Inquisition, the Crusades, the ends do not justify the means, beliefs we hide from ourselves because our other beliefs do not find them acceptable, working through so-called negative beliefs, opening natural pathways to inner reality, no one is at the mercy of another’s thoughts or desires, helping the world by fulfilling yourself, Buddha, SUMARI SINGING (Song of Aspects” & A Backward (Time) Sumari Song”) TAPE: $15.00 CD $16.00 Seth Audio #19 – 4/24/73 & 5/8/73 Seth Session plus TranscriptTape – Item #SA19 – $15.00 or CD – Item #SA19C – $16.00Description- Seth Discusses:The spirituality of your creaturehood, appreciating the miraculous nature of your own being, What is “rock-bed” reality, How to get answers that are beyond words, Limiting beliefs about physical reality, Limiting beliefs about responsibility, “The Gods created the universe out of joy, not because they had to…Being yourself automatically fulfills any responsibility..”, How to get answers that are beyond words. SUMARI SINGING (Song of Unasked Questions & A Transparent Sumari Song”) TAPE: $15.00 CD $16.00 Seth Audio #20 – 5/22/73 & 6/26/73 Seth Session plus TranscriptTape – Item #SA20 – $15.00 or CD – Item #SA20C – $16.00Description- Seth discusses: Dream classes, a dream exercise to meet your own creators, your greatest ally-the inner self, , your dreaming self trying to “remember” your waking self, the beliefs behind an accident in which Rick walked through a plate glass window, “kundalini fire”, trusting your joy and integrity, Gurdjieff, the human being as a surprise package, recongnizing your own incredible magic and joy. TAPE: $15.00 CD $16.00 Seth Audio #21 – 6/5/73 & 7/31/73 Seth Session plus TranscriptTape – Item #SA21 – $15.00 or CD – Item #SA21C – $16.00Description- Seth discusses: rock concerts, telepathy, so-called “perfect masters,” the inadequacies of science, accelerating your consciousness, tuning into your “higher” intellect, opening channels that are inherent in creaturehood that bring you through your creaturehood and into other dimensions, gods couched in creaturehood, the importance of forming questions for yourself in other than verbal terms.SUMARI SINGING- Song entitled “A Math Problem.” TAPE: $15.00 CD $16.00 Seth Audio #22 – 8/21/73 & 11/6/73 Seth Session plus TranscriptTape – Item #SA22 – $15.00 or CD – Item #SA22C – $16.00Description- Seth Discusses: God concepts, ALL THAT IS, realizing that you are a god in training, the unrealized importance of your “dreaming” self, how to recognize your own unlimited power and freedom, beaming with the magic of your being, becoming conscious in the dream state, the “dreaming” portions of your reality are as valid and awake as your waking self, how dreams will point the way to your freedom, being reassured by your dreaming selves, how do deal with “authority,” how to discover the truths of your being. TAPE: $15.00 CD $16.00 Seth Audio #23 – 9/4/73 & 12/11/73 Seth Session plus TranscriptTape – Item #SA23 – $15.00 or CD – Item #SA23C – $16.00Description- Seth Discusses: Marijuana, Christ, Buddha, bringing your waking consciousness into the dream state, how dreamwork can help you to create your reality, how to discover your beliefs by examining your conscious thoughts, the playfulness of the gods, seeing the truth behind and within all beliefs, perceiving the glorious integrity of any person, the teachings of Gurdjieff, work and play.SUMARI SINGING – “Song of the Instant Moment.” TAPE: $15.00 CD $16.00 Seth Audio #24 – 9/18/73 & 3/7/72 Seth Session plus TranscriptTape #SA24 – $15.00 or CD #SA24c – $16.00Description- Seth discusses: How to get answers to any question, realizing emotionally, not just intellectually, that you form your reality, the fears that interfere with spiritual progress, until you free yourself you cannot free others, people who claim to have the only truth, different ways of dying and why people create them, violent death, understanding how many current limiting beliefs are not negative but simply obsolete, beliefs as ingredients, no one has power over anyone else, Seth gives a belief examination exercise, there are no accidents, you cannot force a belief on another person, be as gentle to yourselves as you would be to a beloved friend. TAPE: $15.00 CD $16.00 Seth Audio #25 – 11/13/73 Seth Session plus TranscriptTape #SA25 – $15.00 or CD #SA25c – $16.00Description- Seth discusses: the inner and outer universe, entity names, global energy and the real cause of energy shortages, beliefs of the dark ages, learning to handle the creativity of the gods that we really are, the importance of finding your own answers, black holes, white holes, event horizons, probable events, free will could not exist without the nature of probabilities, how we choose certain events to make real from an infinite number of interior events, accidents, you make the script of you lifeSUMARI SINGING – Song entitled “Song of Inner Roads” TAPE: $15.00 CD $16.00 Seth Audio #26 – 12/4/73 & 12/18/73 Seth Session plus TranscriptTape #SA26 – $15.00 or CD #SA26c – $16.00Description- Seth discusses: How to tune into the Higher Intellect and the Spacious Mind, connecting with your multidimensional being-your entity, class members are given their entity names, freeing yourself of conventional beliefs, letting yourself go- forgetting must, and shall, and should and recognizing the miracle of your own being, the erroneous belief that the prime purpose of the intellect is to criticize, how to use your intellect like a beam of light leading your imagination and your emotion, there is greatness in each of you, excellence, facing each other honestly in relationships, not dribbling away your energy, not allowing yourself to be used by others, not leaning on other, accepting responsibility for yourself and using your abilities, our future selves and how they send messages back to our present selves. TAPE: $15.00 CD $16.00 Seth Audio #27 – 10/9/73 & 1/3/74 SETH SESSION plus TranscriptTape #SA27 – $15.00 or CD #SA27c – $16Description – Seth Discusses: The importance of trusting your energy and the “Ground of Your Being;” Healing; Seth speaks to a woman with Hodgkins disease about how to heal herself; how to change/improve the past; how to use your point of power in the present to create great realities; there is no predestination. Seth quotes from this session – “There have been those who taught you to cringe before them. I challenge you to stand up in awe before yourselves and to face the joyous challenge of your own abilities. . . ” & “There is nothing wrong with your own nature against which you must defend yourself. If you saw yourself as I see you, as the self that you are, you would trust the ground of your being.” Includes SUMARI SINGING – Song entitled “Song of Joy and Regeneration of the Molecules.” TAPE: $15.00 CD $16.00 Seth Audio #28 – 1/22/74 SETH SESSION plus TranscriptTape #SA28 – $15.00 or CD #SA28c – $16Description – Seth discusses: God, All That Is, Oriental philosophy, Nirvana, popes, the Catholic church, , becoming a conscious co-creator, and the continuity of individuality after death. Seth has a conversation with a catholic priest who is visiting for the evening. Some Seth quotes from this session; “Through the energy of your own individuality does All That Is express itself and know its own being,” ” The boundaries of the self are your own . . . the self is not limited . . . the self becomes more what you are and not less. . ., “Never believe in any who tell you that you are powerless” . . . Includes SUMARI SINGING – Song entitled, “Song of Specifics”. TAPE: $15.00 CD $16.00 Seth Audio #29 – 1/29/74 SETH SESSION plus TranscriptTape #SA29- $15.00 or CD #SA29c – $16Description – Seth conducts the class in an extremely powerful exercise exploring your “advanced” selves which exist now in the distant future (in accordance with Seth’ s concepts of simultaneous time), as well as the “simple” selves which exist in the distant past, and from which we emerged, Seth discusses: Who is Seth?, Intellect and intuition, how society teaches that the intellect must always question what the intuitions already know, steps leading to the further reaches of yourself, the Hindu myth of Vishnu, Karma-the same theory as original sin but in new clothes. SUMARI SINGING – Song entitled “A Math Problem”. TAPE: $15.00 CD $16.00 NEW ADDITIONSSeth Audio #30 – 1/16/73 SETH SESSION plus TranscriptTape #SA30 – $15.00 or CD #SA30c – $16Seth discusses – Overcoming insomnia, revolution, marijuana, the effects of LSD, Hitler, the ends do not justify the means, religious beliefs about sin and penance, there are no accidents, fear of negative thoughts, anger, suppressing any emotion leads to suppressing all emotions to some degree, the crime of rape and its connection to fears and anger, All That Is. SUMARI SONG OF NO CONTESTS TAPE: $15.00 CD $16.00 Seth Audio #31 – 1/23/73 & 1/30/73 SETH SESSION plus TranscriptTape #SA31 – $15.00 or CD #SA31c – $16Seth discusses – Sex, Meditation, the sorcerer Don Juan from the Carlos Castaneda books, a “Gnostic” teacher, a different interpretation of a “crucifix”, Children and their spontaneous expression of emotion, self-sacrifice as leading to a distortion of the truth within you, original sin, there is no “karma” in terms of guilt, SUMARI SINGING TAPE: $15.00 CD $16.00 Seth Audio #32 – SETH SESSION plus TranscriptTape #SA32 – $15.00 or CD #SA32c – $16Seth Discusses – Probable realities, Seth’s book entitled “The Unknown Reality”, A probable (parallel) universe in which Kennedy was not assasinated, the adventure of learning about probable (parallel) realities, faith, your limitless energy, the reality of your being behind your beliefs, the board game called “Risk”, the truth about your identity, the inner world, SUMARI SINGING TAPE: $15.00 CD $16.00 Seth Audio #33 – 3/5/74 & 5/23/72 Seth Session plus TranscriptIn CD Format Only CD – Item # SA33c – $16Description – Seth discusses: Simultaneous time, how to overcome depression, society, the “government,” taxes, the president” cheating and lying, understanding without words, repression of emotion, accepting the authority of your own being. Sumari Singing CD: $16.00 Seth Audio #34 – 3/12/74 & 4/4/72 Seth Session plus TranscriptIn CD Format Only CD – Item # SA34c – $16Description – Seth discusses: Edgar Cayce, Mermaids, Sexual mores, Streaking (Current Fad of Running in the nude, the reasons behind the taboos against incest, the birth of a new human species that consciously creates it’s reality, Intutive information, Sumari Song of yourself & Sumari Song of Creation II. CD: $16.00 Seth Audio #35 – 3/19/74 & 5/16/72 Seth Session plus TranscriptIn CD Format Only CD – Item # SA35c – $16Description – Great section on emotion, anger, love, and how fear of so-called negative emotions result in repression, religion, God concepts as rerepresentative of the level of humankind’s conciousness, why western civilization manufactored a God that was crucified, why some people are afraid of inscects, SUMARI CD: $16.00 Seth Audio #36 – 4/16/74 & 7/18/72 Seth Session plus TranscriptIn CD Format Only – CD #SA36c- $16Seth discusses: Sexuality, the development and purpose of ego consciousness, the deeper reasons for the existence of males and females, sexuality in relation to science and religion, projection upon the opposite sex, being “Carried Along” by the energy of your being, THERE ARE NO ACCIDENTS, YOU FORM THE SLIGHTEST ASPECT OF YOUR EXPERIENCE, Sumari Singing & talking followed by Seth’s commentary. CD: $16.00 Seth Audio #37 – 5/21/74 Seth Session plus TranscriptIn CD Format Only CD #SA37- $16Seth discusses: The “Naked Class” during which Jane and a number of students disrobed. Seth discusses: Your responsibility to have fun, different ways people choose to die, the physical body, nudity, facades we erect, THESE REALIZATIONS HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH TIME…THEY CAN COME IN A TWINKLING, when you help others because you think you must, but it goes against the grain, Sumari Singing and Talking. CD: $16.00 Seth Audio #38 – 5/28/74 & 8/22/72 Seth Session plus TranscriptIn CD Format Only CD #SA38- $16Seth discusses: Seth assigns “The Gates of Horn” dream exercise, a powerful exercise originating in ancient egypt to “harmonize the portions of your being”, Seth discusses – protecting your joy and exuberance, clothes, nakedness, the way we view our own bodies, beliefs about responsibility versus fun, trusting your emotions, hate, love, and animals. CD: $16.00 Seth Audio #39 – 6/11/74 & 10/31/72 Seth Session plus TranscriptIn CD Format Only CD #SA39c- $16Seth discusses: The problems in the middle east, developing a new kind of consciousness, becoming a conscious co-creator with All That Is, abundance, overpopulation, hunger, brotherhood, recognizing your own immortality, the end never justifies the means, your identity is not swallowed by a super-god or super-self.
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