Michael Chang – Six Pack Shortcuts
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Could It Really Be Possible For You To Lose Your Stubborn Belly Fat And Get Ripped Six Pack Abs?Get the Adobe Flash Player to see this video.Mike Chang, Six Pack Shortcuts…From Mike ChangISSA Certified Personal TrainerYour Six Pack Abs CoachHey man,In this letter I want to tell you about the system that I’ve used to get into great shape, and which has worked for many other guys as well. But first, I want to ask you a few important questions. Please answer them to yourself, as honestly as you possibly can. * Have you ever felt hesitant or slightly embarrassed to take your shirt off at the beach or pool? Even though you’re not “fat” or “obese”…do you ever wish you had tastefully muscular abs that you’d be proud to show? * Have you ever done tons of crunches and sit-ups…only to be discouraged by how little visible difference they made in your abs? * Have you tried everything to lose that stubborn belly fat, but haven’t found something that’s worked for you? * Do you ever get frustrated by the contradictory and sometimes flat-out wrong fitness information out there on the internet? Do you ever get confused by this information overload – and you don’t know where to begin getting abs? * Or like many of my other clients, do you have a firm grasp on how to gain muscle on the rest of your body…but getting six pack abs has STILL eluded you?If you answered “YES!” to any of these questions, you’re not alone. These were the biggest frustrations that I had myself when trying to get abs. And if you want to know the solution for getting six pack abs that worked for me and many other guys, this may be the most important letter you’ve ever read.IMPORTANT LEGAL DISCLAIMER FOR TESTIMONIALS, RISK AND TYPICAL RESULTSAs with any exercise program, you assume certain risks to your health and safety by following Six Pack Shortcuts. Any form of exercise can cause injuries if the exercises are performed incorrectly, and Six Pack Shortcuts is no exception. It is possible that you may become injured doing the exercises in this program, especially if they are done with poor form. Although thorough instruction is included on form for each exercise, realize that Six Pack Shortcuts (like any other exercise program) does involve a risk of injury.Mike offers a 100% money-back guarantee — you can return the program for any reason if you are not satisfied with the results. However, Mike cannot guarantee your results with Six Pack Shortcuts. It is possible that you will not lose fat, gain muscle, or get ab definition with this program. It is also possible that you will gain fat, lose muscle, and lose ab definition.Mike’s story, and the stories of the clients you see on this page are real. However, it must be disclaimed that these testimonials are not claimed to represent typical results with the program. They are meant as a showcase of what the most motivated and dedicated clients can do with the program. Your results may vary, and you may not get the same results when using this program due to differences in your individual exercise history, genetics, and personal motivation.Mike is not a medical doctor or nutritionist. His advice is not meant as a substitute for medical advice. Please consult your doctor before beginning any exercise or diet program.Please see our full legal disclaimer for more information on typical results, risks, and our full testimonials disclaimer:Disclaimer for typical results, testimonials, and risks>How I Finally Got Six Pack Abs, After YEARS Of Failure And FrustrationMost people assume that I always had six pack abs – that I was just born this way.But the truth is, just six years ago I was downright fat.In fact, here’s what I used to look like — compared to what I look like now:Mike’s before and afterOf course, what made it even worse was seeing how women got visibly turned off when they saw my soft, pudgy body. And how they got turned on, and always wanted to touch the guys who had abs.I always seemed to be chubby “nice guy friend,” who could never get women sexually attracted to him.And the snide looks and remarks I’d get from my male friends about my “gut” didn’t help too much either…One day, I just got fed up with not liking my body. And I decided that I was going to get six pack abs – no matter what.Years later, I’d look back on this as the single best decision I’d ever made in my life.So I bought some of the most popular books and courses on ab exercises, and diets. I followed them religiously for YEARS…but I was frustrated because I was seeing virtually NO RESULTS in my abs. Here are just a few of the things I tried attempting to get abs… * This is embarrassing for me to admit, but the first product I bought trying to get abs was an “Ab Rocker” gizmo that I saw advertised on a late-night informercial. I used it daily for months, but in the end gave it up because it produced zero visible difference in my abs * I bought endless supplements that promised they’d “burn body fat” and “pack muscle on my body.” Although these didn’t help me burn any fat, they were successful at burning all the cash out of my wallet. * Endless books and courses on how to get abs. Some of the information in these was actually good, and helped me out. But it also led to “information overload”… there were so many contradictory theories on how to get abs out there, I got confused and didn’t know where to begin.It was incredibly frustrating, and I almost gave up many times.But things finally started to look up for me when…I Found A Fitness Mentor Who Showed Me Exactly How To Get A Toned, Muscular Body Complete With Six Pack AbsWhen I was my lowest point, almost ready to quit…I met my friend Zach. Zach had the type of physique that turned heads wherever he went – and an incredible set of six pack abs.But the funny thing about Zach was that he actually worked out LESS than me. Of course his workouts were intense, and designed very carefully…but he wasn’t spending hours upon hours in the gym like me. Not only this, but he was nowhere near as restrictive on his diet as I was.Of course he would eat healthy generally, and wouldn’t binge on junk food. But he’d also enjoy food in ways I didn’t dare to – he’d drink beer on weekends, would eat dessert if he wanted to, and generally didn’t seem to stress about his diet too much.So of course I had to ask him…what was his secret? Why was he in so much better shape than me, when I was working so much harder than him?I told him about the diet I was following and all the different crunches and ab exercises I was doing. And to my surprise…He Told Me I Was Wasting My Time!Here are just a few of the things he told me I was doing wrong… * Doing too many crunches and sit-ups (he explained why these popular exercises were exercises were extremely ineffective, and the much more effective type of exercise I should be doing instead.) * Taking the wrong approach to dieting (he showed me that a much better way was to use certain techniques to accelerate your metabolism. I actually didn’t even know this was possible…but he showed me an easy and research-proven way to do it. He told me this was why he could eat much more than I did, and still stay very lean). * Doing CARDIO (This was really surprising to me…but Zach explained how cardio is actually an extremely ineffective way to lose fat. He showed me exercises that were much better for fat loss, and explained how when you combined these with his metabolic accleration techniques, the results would be fast and dramatic)And that was just the beginning. The conversation I had with him really blew my mind, and caused me to drastically change my approach to ab training.So I started training in Zach’s style. I stopped doing crunches and cardio, and I started doing the exercises he recommended. And once I started down the right path, I also made a few more key discoveries on my own.Now keep in mind, I’d been training for YEARS before this, with virtually nothing to show for it. But once I started using Zach’s method for getting six pack abs…I Got In Great Shape Faster Than I Thought Was Possible!How to get six pack abs — ab workout, ab exercise, bodybuilding.I couldn’t believe how fast the progress was, once I stopped being a sit-up and cardio drone, and I started doing the RIGHT things.And let me tell you….the first time I saw real, hard ab muscle on my stomach after years of seeing nothing but flab there…it was one of the best moments of my life.And of course, what Zach showed me wasn’t a “magic pill.” It was a new style of training that was far more effective than that standard regimen I was following — and a new nutrition system that made healthy eating much easier. And although I still needed to work to get abs using his system — the results came FAR faster and easier than they came before.And here are a few ways that my life changed after getting six pack abs…. * Women who wouldn’t give me the time of day before suddenly started giving me much more attention. It used to be incredibly difficult for me to attract a woman before…but with my new body, it became easy for me to spark instant and powerful attraction with the girls I’d always wanted. * Guys who’d never taken me seriously suddenly started giving me much more respect. A few guys even seemed slightly intimidated by me, and it seemed much more natural for me to be the leader in any group of guys. * And overall, I just felt much better about myself. I felt a tremendous sense of accomplishment, because I’d achieved the body that all men want, but which so few know how to get.I am uploading this to a seedbox, seeding will begin after.VIP+=ImmediatelyPU+=1 weekUser=never
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