Sandi Radomski-Ask and Receive
Sandi Radomski – Ask and Receive
[13 MP3] [3 FLV] [4 PDF] [2 WMV]
WHAT IS ASK AND RECEIVE? Ask & Receive is an exciting new health discovery that uses the power of your unlimited being to allow you to ask for what you want in your life and have it! People are using this simple process to ask for changes in every part of their lives. Greater health, less pain, releasing trauma, more joy, greater flexibility, better relationships, peace. People are asking for and receiving all of these things and many more. Concepts: 1. Higher States of our consciousness always have the answers. They always have a bigger picture – a higher perspective. 2. We do not always have access to this information. 3. Ask and Receive gives us a way to directly get Higher States knowledge. 4. Ask and Receive uses the power of the word. 5. Trauma creates limiting beliefs that continue to run our lives. 6. In Ask and Receive we unhook past traumas from current reality. 7. As unlimited beings we can create profound changes within us. 8. Ask and receive can be used for oneself, with another and also on behalf of others. What people are saying about Ask and Receive: Dr. Patricia Carrington PHd. “Ask and receive is the most important innovation in my practice since Gary Craig taught me EFT and I began the Choices Method. I have used it with every single client since I learned it a year ago.” Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt MD,PHd “Ask and receive is the best distance healing that I know about. (Sandi) is a jewel and the world needs to know about (her)” Dr. Joalie Davie MD “Of the many wonderful energy professionals I know, there are a few I admire for their excellence and kindness and you are one of them. I feel blessed to have you in my life. When we work together not only do you find the missing link for the puzzle, but you can find the core piece upon which to build and resolve the puzzle. I thank you with love.” Personal Stories: Dawn, Missouri, breast cancer and multiple myeloma “I do not believe I would be alive if it were not for you. You helped me be able to tolerate medications, food and procedures. We worked on resolving emotional issues that I believe contributed to my diseases. I especially attribute your long distance treatment to the surprise total remission of a blood clot. The doctors and nurses had never seen a life threatening blood clot totally resolve on it’s own when they went in surgically.” Products included:Ask Along with Sandi for Food Cravings Ask Along with Sandi for Health Sessions with Pam for Phobias (7 tracks) Ask & Receive Treatment Sessions (for pain)-2 CDs Weight Loss – This Time Can Be Different This 70 page manual focuses on the emotional, physical and spiritual energetic components of weight loss. It teaches you how to use Ask & Receive protocols for eliminating emotional and physical blocks to losing weight. The physical components discussed offer an exceptional departure from traditional dieting The Releasing Technique Manual Neuro-Behavioral Treatment for the Relief of Stress, Distress and Personal Limitation by Thomas Altaffer, LCSW “Love conquers all” is more than just a catchy phrase. In the Releasing Technique manual Tom Altaffer, LCSW, explains how expanded states such as love can be used to release blocked emotions, traumas and limiting beliefs. As he explains, it is impossible to hold two affective states in the same emotional space without the higher eventually releasing the lower. This manual describes how to use this simple technique effectively to release limitation in many different settings. 80 pages. $19.95 Ask and Receive Demonstration DVD Ask & Receive ManualAsk and Receive Quick Reference GuideBonus materialClearing FearNatalie Hill interviewing Sandi RadomskiDemo Meridian Laser Technique Laser DVD There are still 2 people who have not paid for the first part of the GBThere are still 2 other items that will be purchased only upon availability of funds(approx additional 200$) here: times:contributors: immediate and ratio freeVIP and above: 3 weeksPU and above: 7 weeksUsers: never- consider donating and upgrading your statusThanks for all who made this GB possibleEnjoy
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