Robert Moore – Masculine Psychology Anthology
Robert Moore GB
[2 DVDs (Rips), 78 CDs (MP3s)]
Part of the Group Buy here: to say, if this leaks out the person responsible for it will be hunted down and have his house burned down. Why? Because this specific package can easily be tracked back to me (the uploader, purchaser, etc) and I don’t really want that hassle, ok?Therefore, keep this to yourself so me and the admins from here don’t have to ban your ass for something as stupid as sharing this around when you have no business doing that.Anyway… onto the description:Quote:Dr. Robert Moore is Distinguished Service Professor of Psychology, Psychoanalysis and Spirituality in the Graduate Center of the Chicago Theological Seminary where he is the Founding Director of the new Institute for Advanced Studies in Spirituality and Wellness. An internationally recognized psychoanalyst and consultant in private practice in Chicago, he has served as a Training Analyst at the C.G. Jung Institute of Chicago and is Director of Research for the Institute for Integrative Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy and the Chicago Center for Integrative Psychotherapy. Author and editor of numerous books in psychology and spirituality, he lectures internationally on his formulation of a neo-Jungian psychoanalysis and integrative psychotherapy. His most recent books include THE ARCHETYPE OF INITIATION: Sacred Space, Ritual Process and Personal Transformation; THE MAGICIAN AND THE ANALYST: The Archetype of the Magus in Occult Spirituality and Jungian Psychology, and FACING THE DRAGON: Confronting Personal and Spiritual Grandiosity. He is currently working on a number of books including his DECODING THE DIAMOND WITHIN: Archetypal Structures in the Fragmentation and Integration of Personality.■ A Neo-Jungian Mapping of the Psyche: Understanding Inner Geography & Our Challenge of Individuation (2 CDs) $20.95In this lecture Jungian analyst Robert Moore introduces his discoveries with respect to the actual deep structures of the Archetypal Self. Advancing the tradition of Jung’s study of the Collective Unconscious, Dr. Moore introduces a Neo-Jungian mapping of the psyche that he believes is a “decoding of the Diamond Body,” the Great Code of the psyche which is the foundation for the transcendent function and the role of the Self in balancing the opposites in our lives. After presenting this “map of inner geography,” Dr. Moore focuses on the implications of the organization of these deep structures for our psychological development and our spiritual growth toward wholeness.■ Archetypes and Ecstasy: The Quest for Optimal Experience (4 CDs) $36.95 What is it that drives the human quest for “something more”? What fuels our longing to “reach beyond,” our drive for excellence, as well as our tendency to be vulnerable to a myriad of addictions? Depth analysis leads us to ground the origin of these longings in the fiery energies of the Archetypal Self, the GodSelf at the Center of the human personality. In this seminar Dr. Moore presents his discoveries with respect to the archetypal map of the journey toward wholeness; a journey that is encoded in our personalities and that can guide us to optimal personal experience and human fulfillment. In addition to lecture and discussion, this seminar includes experiential exercises to help you recognize patterns that may be inhibiting your movement toward optimal experience.■ The Great Self Within: Anthropos and Pleroma in Gnostic Myth and Psychological Reality (1 CD) $12.95 In the mythic traditions of the human species, we find widespread reports of a Great Self that dwells within the human soul. Gnosticism gives us one of the most interesting examples of this spiritual phenomenon. Robert Moore addresses the psychological deep structures underlying Gnostic myths of the Anthropos (the supreme divinity) and the Pleroma. Parallels with Jung’s understanding of the collective unconscious and the archetypal Self are examined and discussed in terms of their clinical and spiritual significance.■ From Chaos to Cosmos: Creation Myths and the Quest for a Centered Self (3 CDs) $28.95Marie-Louise von Franz says that “creation myths are of a different class from other myths. . . for when they are told there is always a certain solemnity that gives them a central importance; they convey a mood which implies that what is said will concern the basic things of existence, something more than is contained in other myths.” This seminar focuses on the psychological significance of the mythology of creation with emphasis on understanding its relationship to the processes of forming and consolidating a centered and cohesive self.■ The Courage to Be Transformed: Insights from Jungian Analysis and the Philosophy of Paul Tillich (4 CDs) $36.95Why is it so difficult to change—to be transformed—even when we have many insights into our personal problems and complexes? What do we need to break through the impasses in our healing processes? In this workshop, Dr. Moore brings together perspectives from his neo-Jungian approach to analysis and the philosophy of Paul Tillich to focus on the nature and dynamics of the courage to be transformed. Special attention is given to understanding the different types of anxiety that afflict us. Dr. Moore addresses the kinds of courage needed to overcome each kind of anxiety and the personal resources each requires in order for transformation to be accomplished.■ The Psychology of Satan: Encountering the Dark Side of the Self (8 CDs) $68.95This course examines the nature and dynamics of the archetypal shadow—that part of the shadow which cannot be integrated into the individuating ego. Resources from mythology, folklore, and religion are examined from the perspectives of Freudian and Jungian psychoanalysis to gain insight into the nature and dynamics of human destructiveness and evil on a personal as well as a social level.This course includes the following topics:• The Archetypal Shadow in Myth, Folklore , and Religion• The Inner Enemy in Freudian Psychoanalysis• The Inner Enemy in Jungian Psychoanalysis• Facing the Inner Enemy: Resources from Psychotherapy, Ritual, and Human Spirituality■ The Enemy Within: Narcissism and Human Evil (1 CD) $12.95In our era many have sought insight into human destructiveness through reflections grounded in the psychoanalytic tradition—thinkers such as Paul Ricoeur, M. Scott Peck, and Jeffrey Burton Russell. It has been Jungian psychoanalysis, however, which has provided the most honest, sustained, and adequate reflections upon human evil. Jung’s great contribution to the problem of evil was his recognition that the shadow—which has both personal and archetypal dimensions—is not identical with evil.In this program, Dr. Moore analyzes contemporary Jungian understandings of evil (Jung, von Franz, Sanford) and suggests some directions for further research.■ The Four Couples Within: The Structure of the Self and the Dynamics of Relationship (3 CDs) $28.95The four archetypal couples inherent in the Self—the King and Queen, the Warriors, the Magicians, the Lovers—create four distinct psychosocial environments within a relationship. The archetypal dynamics underlying both fulfillment and frustration in human relationships are examined, with particular focus on marital dynamics and sexual dysfunction.■ The Ego and its Relations with the Unconscious (2 CDs) $20.95Dr. Moore surveys the psychoanalytic history of the concept of ego, clarifying the differences between Freud, Adler and Jung.■ David the King: A Psychological Perspective (3 CDs) $28.95The problems and promise of the masculine soul are powerfully imaged in the story of Israel’s beloved David–warrior, lover, poet, and king. This workshop examines the significance of David’s life and legend for contemporary psychology and spirituality.■ Ecco Homo: Issues in Male Psychology (4 CDs) $41.90 Part I – Archetypal Images of the King and the Warrior Part II – Archetypal Images of the Magician and the LoverIn the wake of feminism, which raised as many questions about male identity as it did about female identity, there has been a growing interest in “masculinism”. Jung’s attention to the gender question reflected in his theory of archetypes, anima/animus phenomena, and ideas of individuation as a balance of traits within a self, provides a provocative medium for discussion of contemporary male issues. This course examines principal areas of focus within this emerging field of study and offers insights into the dilemmas of “being a man”.■ Practicing the Presence of the Other Within: Developing the Ego-Archetypal Self Axis (4 CDs) $36.95In this program, which contains both lecture and experiential elements, Robert Moore provides background and techniques to help us realize and engage our growth potential. Materials focus on how the Self, Jung’s archetypal conceptualization of our true nature, provides signs indicating where growth is seeking to gain our attention in order to be manifested in our personal and spiritual lives. Through “Practicing of Presence” we learn to pay attention to these signs of the “Primal Other.”■ The Parsifal Myth: An Archetypal Commentary (2 DVDs) $29.95In this unique two DVD set, leading Jungian psychoanalyst Robert Moore leads the viewer through key facets of the male psyche and men’s journey through life. Recorded during a remarkable retelling of the Parsifal myth with Mythodrama founder Richard Olivier, the inspiration behind the Band of Brothers initiative Michael Boyle, and business consultant Robin Alfred, this program makes a unique contribution to the field of male psychology. With inadequately initiated young men becoming an increasingly visible problem on our streets, Dr. Moore’s insights into how mentoring of young men can reshape society are timely. Includes the short film, “New Ways with Blades” and a bonus audio track of the presenters reading The Myth of Parsifal. Recorded at the Findhorn Foundation, Scotland. Approximately 4 hours in duration.■ Healing the Masculine (1 CD) $12.95In this lecture Dr. Moore analyzes some of the archetypal dynamics which are manifest in the current crisis in masculinity. Through calling attention to selected images of the mature and generative masculine, he addresses the contemporary challenge of stewarding the innate potentials of the deep masculine.■ Masculine Power: Archetypal Potential and Planetary Challenge (1 CD) $12.95It is not uncommon for masculine power to be equated with the culture of patriarchy. Could depotentiation of the masculine be the answer to social, political, and sexual injustice? Or is patriarchy itself—along with sexual violence, torture, and political oppression—an expression of puer psychology and the acting out of the immature, fragmenting masculine? These and other issues relating to masculine power will be examined in this lecture from a Jungian perspective.■Psychological Development in Men (4 CDs) $41.90 Part I : Forming the Male SelfHow men change and develop through their whole life span is the subject of much current interest and concern. The various stages through which a man must pass to individuate and to achieve his full realization of manhood are also the occasions for spawning conflicts and maladjustments. This course examines the major way stations in men’s development and explores potentialities in each stage as well as pitfalls and developmental arrests. Part II : Integrity and the Achievement of WholenessHow men change and develop through their whole life span is the subject of much current interest and concern. The various stages through which a man must pass to individuate and to achieve his full realization of manhood are also the occasions for spawning conflicts and maladjustments. This course examines the major way stations in men’s development and explores potentialities in each stage as well as pitfalls and developmental arrests.■ Rediscovering the Mature Masculine: Resources from Archetypal Psychology (4 CDs) $36.95Our most recent recording of Robert Moore’s work on four masculine archetypes—King, Warrior, Magician and Lover—comes from a seminar series on Jungian and Post-Jungian views of gender. Moore describes the importance of Jungian psychology as a resource for a mature masculinity, offering positive images for modern men in their quest for identity and relationship. ■ Rediscovering Masculine Potentials (5 CDs) $44.95Faced with the assertion that traditional masculinity leads to patriarchal structures in society and in relationships, men have been experiencing increasing conflict about their desires for sexual and social strength and generative power. Archetypal images provide a vision of a new masculinity that will nurture strong and caring men.■King Warrior Magician Lover Complete Set (24 CDs) $189.95 Part I : The King Within: A Study in Masculine PsychologyOne of the four archetypes of the mature male psyche described by Robert Moore—King, Warrior, Magician and Lover—the King is the central archetype in the masculine psyche. Without dis-identification from this archetype—and without a dynamic connection to it—a man will be immobilized by grandiosity, lost in depression, and bereft of a sense of meaning, just order, and connection with the creative springs of the psyche. The mature King is able to empower others as well as himself.Robert Moore’s course covers the following topics:• The Sacred King in Myth, Folklore and Religion• The Role of the King in Masculine Selfhood• Psychopathology and the King• Healing the King: Resources from Analysis, Ritual and Human Spirituality Part II : The Warrior Within: A Study in Masculine PsychologyThe Warrior is the archetype of self-disciplined, aggressive action. If Warrior energy is not accessed properly, a man may find himself caught up in cruel or self-destructive behavior. The mature Warrior, however, will be energetic, decisive and perservering in reaching his goals.Robert Moore’s course covers the following topics:• The Warrior Archetype in Myth, Folklore and Religion• The Warrior in Masculine Creativity and Leadership• The Warrior in Masculine Psychopathology• Creating the “Rainbow Warrior”: Resources for Healing the Warrior Part III : The Magician Within: A Study in Masculine PsychologyThe Magician is the archetype of awareness, inner work, initiation, and healing. Without adequate access to this psychological resource a man will sleepwalk through his life, never asking the questions which can liberate him from his credulity and naivete. He needs the magician within—the inner shaman—to help him wake up, to give him the keys to access the various inner spaces of the masculine personality, and to help him serve responsibly as a ritual elder for other men.Robert Moore’s course covers the following topics:• The Magician in Myth, Folklore and Religion• The Role of the Magician in Masculine Selfhood• Psychopathology and the Magician• Healing the Magician: Resources from Analysis, Ritual and Human Spirituality Part IV : The Lover Within: A Study in Masculine PsychologyThe Lover is the archetype men find most difficult to access without experiencing frightening emotional states. The Lover encourages an unbounded connectedness to life through powerful feelings, but if a man’s Lover is poorly developed, he may find himself alternately promiscuous and isolated, emotionally vulnerable and interpersonally exploitative, impulsive and addictive, yet afraid of his passion. Accessing Lover energy properly, a man feels enthusiastic and compassionate about his work and relationships. Celebrating the beauty of nature and the physical world, the mature Lover becomes a guardian of the Earth.Robert Moore’s course covers the following topics:• The Lover in Myth, Folklore and Religion• The Role of the Lover in Masculine Selfhood• Psychopathology and the Boy Lover• Healing the Lover: Resources from Analysis, Ritual and Human Spirituality
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