Eischens Yoga
[1 DVD – ISO]
DVD Info: No matter your routine in life, whether it’s sitting at a desk all day or running your own personal training business, the necessity to release tight areas in the body is the key to being pain free and able perform at your best level. The Eischens Yoga DVD makes opening up these tight areas simple by teaching you the techniques to relieve and eliminate common areas of pain, like back, shoulder, knee and foot. This simple to follow DVD is optimal to use before hard training or as a cool down. You can also use it first thing in the morning upon waking up and throughout the day. Using this DVD will make Eischens yoga a part of your routine! Jon Hinds, owner and founder of the Monkey Bar Gymnasium along with Jessica Rucker one of Monkey Bar Gymnasium’s top trainers gracefully walk you through each position in the Eischens Yoga DVD. This DVD’s 3 sequences progress you from the most basic yoga positions with the Beginner’s Yoga Sequence to the more challenging sequence, The Warrior Sequence! The Eischens Yoga DVD also includes a Partner Sequence which is a great opportunity to have a friend or significant other join you in your road to overall health and well being. The Eischens Yoga DVD has the option of Jon and Jessica giving you voice over to guide you and give you the proper feedback tools or the option to turn the voice over off and just follow the sequence to music. This DVD is a must have for anyone and everyone!More on the style of Yoga @ http://monkeybargym.com/eischens-yoga-2.html
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