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Alan Questel – Uncommon Sensing – Feldenkrais

Alan Questel – Uncommon Sensing – Self-Image – Feldenkrais
[18 – MP3s, 1 – PDF]


This new exclusive material is part of the Feldenkrais & Thomas Hanna SOMATICS Integration group buy.This group buy is still open & the forum is listed at: Sensing: Moving Beyond Your Self-ImageAuthor: Alan QuestelDescription: 18 – MP3s with ID3 tags added, 1 – PDF.                     Uncommon Sensing: Moving Beyond Your Self-ImageWEEKEND WORKSHOP IN FELDENKRAIS – AWARENESS THROUGH MOVEMENTOur self-image is defined by how we think, what we feel and what we do. How we perceive our world is colored by our personal history which influences our actions and behavior. The limitations we experience in our life are often caused by ways of thinking, feeling, and doing that we were born into. To become more of who you would like to be is easier than you may imagine. FELDENKRAIS – AWARENESS THROUGH MOVEMENT help you to perceive unknown aspects of yourself. In this workshop you will discover that it can be easy and fun to move beyond your self-image.Uncommon Sensing is geared towards several outcomes, but at its foundation it relies on one simple idea… that you can come to like yourself more.After all, who wouldn’t like to like themselves more? Even if you already like yourself, who would say no to liking themselves a little bit more.Liking yourself more can mean different things to all of us, but whether it is about improving an ability, regaining functioning or learning a new skill it is more possible and closer than you might imagine.So how can you do it? … by entertaining some new and exciting ideas about who you are and who you can become.These ideas are simple, immediate and concrete in the form of explorations, where your comfort and pleasure are your guides. They come from the FELDENKRAIS METHOD of Somatic Education.Did you know that all the time there are many things occurring within you? Let’s identify some of them and then learn how we can utilize them. At all times we think, feel, sense and move. At times one aspect of ‘this self’ may stand out more than others but still; the others are always there in the background.Most significant is that a change in any one of these aspects of self potentiates a change in the others.If you change how you think, it can change how you feel. If you change how you sense, it can change how you think. But changing how you think or how you feel or how you sense presents some challenges.If you change how you think, have you actually changed something, or do you simply think you did and are really still thinking in the same way? And what is thinking anyway? Do we truly understand thinking? I think not.How about changing how you feel? Easier said than done. While it attracts us as an idea, it isn’t so available to us as a skill. Usually we are feeling too much and want the feelings to go away or we don’t know what we are feeling and struggle to identify what that might be. Even when we are feeling good we have the habit of trying to ’hold onto the feeling’, which for the most part doesn’t work out.And changing how you sense? Most of us have no idea how we sense things, we simply do it. Unless we are drawn to particular sensations, when something really stands out, we don’t give it much attention.So we are left with movement, which is part of everything we do! Movement is immediate and concrete. When we change how we move we know it and most importantly, it is readily available for us to access and interact with.So this is the basis for your exploration…THROUGH MOVEMENT! In doing so you will find that these changes will not only affect how you move and your general well-being, but will also influence how you think, feel and sense yourself. You may also find that you are enjoying your life a bit more and even starting to like yourself more.Note on how to approach Awareness through Movement® (ATM): ATM is meant to be done with ease and pleasure. Your own sense of comfort can be your guide in how you do the movements. Each repetition is a chance to sense more of yourself in the movement. The quality of how you move is more important than the quantity. Rest as frequently as you would like or need to and resume the movements when you are ready. If you are far away from a smile you are working too hard. Have fun and enjoy yourself.Alan S. Questel is known for his clarity, creativity and down to earth style of teaching. He brings a depth of understanding, humor and a gentle human perspective to the learning of the Method and creates lively conditions for learning.Trained by Dr. Feldenkrais (Amherst 1983), Alan has lectured and taught at hospitals, colleges and FELDENKRAIS Professional Training Programs throughout the U.S., Mexico, Australia, New Zealand, Europe, Japan and Canada, teaching people from all walks of life.He has taught at Princeton University, S.U.N.Y. College at Purchase, the New York Open Center, the New Actors Workshop, NYC, The Institute for Transpersonal Psychology, Palo Alto, CA and at Mother Teresa’s Shishu Bhavan in Calcutta, India.The web site for this material is at: keep this a elib exclusive, thanks.Special thanks to nikodessa.The group buy is open and at:: Ratio FreeElite/VIP: 3 weeksPower Users (PU): 7 weeksUsers: Upgrade to PU or contribute at:, Mazen


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