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Haley, Jay – Advanced techniques of hypnosis and therapy, the selected papers of Milton Erickson

Haley, Jay – Advanced techniques of hypnosis and therapy, the selected papers of Milton Erickson



Advanced Techniques of Hypnosis and Therapy: Selected Papers of Milton H. EricksonThe amazon reviewer said about this book:This text is a must read for any person seriously interested in hypnosis. If you do not already know the story of Milton Erickson, check the Erickson Foundation web site to learn more. He was the person primarily responsible for the research which recognized hypnosis as the effective therepeutic modality it is. The collated works in this volume span many years, much of it predates 1959, the year the American Medical Association accepted hypnosis as a legitimate practice. Many of the papers are the origin of the common tales and metaphors used by hypnotists/NLP trainers. This text is clinical in nature, so one must have some background in in one of the follwing: psychiatry/ medicine/ therapy/hypnosis/NLP. If you want to understand the processes which enable hypnosis to change people……


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