Ori Hofmekler – The Warrior Diet Fat Loss Program
The Warrior Diet For Fat Loss.pdf
[ 1 ebook – PDF]
DescriptionThe most asked question from our loyal followers is “How do I effectively use The Warrior Diet principles to get rid of Stubborn Fat?” The Warrior Diet Fat Loss Program addresses this in detail. We guide you step by step through our exclusive three-phase (3 week) program to help you get leaner, stronger and healthier.The Warrior Diet’s revolutionary concept has a profound appeal to people who fail to lose weight, or suffer from a typical fat gain rebound after following other diets including Atkins, The Zone and South Beach.This program’s three phase dietary plan provides a step by step personal guide on how to practically overcome the biological reasons that initially caused fat gain, and thus force the body to burn excessive fat and get rid of Stubborn Fat. It also provides clear practical advice of what to do, what to eat and what to avoid, exposing a myriad of misconceptions concerning fat loss, while offering an extremely viable alternative that really works.This easy to follow program will help train your body to accept different food groups, improve the utilization of carb and fat fuel for energy, and thus help boost your overall metabolic rate.Most importantly, it does not require the severe restrictions of other diets. Quite the opposite. You will learn how to enjoy your favorite foods, forget about counting carbs, fat and calories, and still lose weight.56 pageshttp://www.defensenutrition.com/warrior_diet_fat_loss_program_ebook
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