Jack Heggie – Running With The Whole Body – Feldenkrais
Jack Heggie – Running with the Whole Body (1996).pdf
[1 ebook – PDF]
This new exclusive material is part of the Feldenkrais & Thomas Hanna SOMATICS Integration group buy.This group buy is still open & the forum is listed at: With The Whole Body: A 30-Day Program to Running Faster with Less EffortAuthor: Jack HeggieDescription: 184 pages scanned, OCRed with bookmarks added to PDF. Running With The Whole Body: A 30-Day Program to Running Faster with Less EffortIn this revised second edition of a runner’s classic, Feldenkrais practitioner Jack Heggie shows you how to use the Feldenkrais Method of Awareness Through Movement to make dynamic improvements in your running and walking.Anyone can learn from the series of exercises Heggie proposes during the thirty-day period. These isolate the workings of the various parts of the body to show how each part of the body balances and works in concert with the others. The result is a body whose torso, hips, pelvis and shoulders all move freely in the act of running. You will discover how to unleash the power of the large, strong muscles of the hips, spine and shoulders to power your running.Heggie contends that the shoulders and arms are the “drive point” of running. We build up speed by centering greater effort on the movements of the shoulders and arms, and the hips and legs respond. This connection between the upper and lower body makes endurance and better breathing possible.Most people are dogged by injuries and habits which curtail their running and cause strain on the back, knees and ankles.This revolutionary 30-day program will not only prevent you from injuring yourself in a new way, but enable you to become a smoother, and more powerful runner.About the Author, Jack HeggieJack Heggie is an internationally recognized author and teacher of the Feldenkrais Method. Jack specifically created the exercises in his programs, drawing upon his years of teaching to improve athletic performance. Jack is the author of Running With The Whole Body and the audio sets: A Healthy Back In Less Than 20 Minutes A Day, Total Body Golf, Running with the Whole Body, and Total Body Vision. The web site for this material is at:http://www.achievingexcellence.com/p-bio_heggie.htmlPlease keep this a elib exclusive, thanks.The group buy is open and at:: Ratio FreeElite/VIP: 3 weeksPower Users (PU): 7 weeksUsers: Upgrade to PU or contribute at:, Mazen
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