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Katy (Katie) Jones – Master Cleanse Diet (aka Lemonade, Maple Syrup Diet)

Master Cleanse Diet
[11 PDFs, 2 MP3s, 7 Videos – WMV]


If you’ve always wanted an all natural healthy solution to lose weight and rejuvenate your health at the same time, I’ve some encouraging news for you.Hi, my name is Katie Jones. Over the past few years, I’ve made important discoveries that have helped improved my health significantly – and “accidentally” lose about 15 pounds while I was at it.Even better is the way I FEEL. I have much better ability to FOCUS, and at least double the physical energy. I accomplished all of this without using ANY of the traditional detox or cleanse products that you can freely buy off the shelf.In fact,I’ve tried them ALL – and none came close to the natural cleanse I used to improve my health and kept me in good shape till now.The difference between you and I is that ever since I started cleansing 5 years ago, I discovered the truth about cleansing, the benefits of it, and why you may need one.Just let me explain…Food Is A Medicine That Heals Your BodyThat is—if you’re choosing the right things to eat. Some of the foods you put on your table may be undermining your health in ways that you don’t even realize.In fact, many of the fruits and vegetables at the grocery store are sprayed with chemical fertilizers and pesticides, and most meats are pumped up with antibiotics, hormones and fungicides.And when you ingest these chemicals, they can have a harmful effect on your body.The problem with many of the foods that you and I eat goes beyond the meat and produce departments. Just take a stroll through the rest of the grocery store and you’ll see that most of what’s stocking the shelves has no resemblance to food grown on a farm.A lot of it has been processed—irradiated, bleached or heated—to the point that it’s stripped of the life-giving enzymes, vitamins, fiber, and minerals that your body needs to thrive.Your body has a hard time digesting processed flours, sugars, oils, and salts, so that food ends up clogging your intestines, severely affecting your body’s ability to effectively absorb nutrients and eliminate waste—and that’s only the beginning.10 Days Master CleanseThe Master Cleanse, also known as the lemon and or maple syrup diet, cleanses your body of toxins and removes the cravings associated with drugs, alcohol, tobacco, and eating junk food.Coffee, tea, and various cola drinks, and habit-forming beverages, also lose their appeal through the marvels of this cleanse.The cleanse involves drinking only lemonade made from organic fresh lemon juice. Organic Grade B maple syrup, water and Cayenne pepper. No solid food is eaten for the entire cleanse period, which is a minimum of 10 days.The master cleanse is technically not a “fast”, because it’s more gentle on your body and contains essential vitamins, minerals.Plus, it’s been tested and proven beneficial for…Weight LossSome well known stars in the entertainment industry have used this fast for rapid weight loss. In fact, singer/actress Beyoncé did it for 14 days and lost 22 lbs for her role in the 2006 movie Dream Girls.Other celebrities include rapper Trina who did this liquid diet for 13 days and Howard Stern’s co-host Robin Quivers lost 73 lb using the Master Cleanse.Eliminate Pounds Of Toxic Waste In 10 Short DaysResearch has clearly prove that our bodies are not capable of eliminating all the different toxins and chemicals we inhale and ingest every day. They simply accumulate in our cells, tissues and organs and stored for years causing all kinds of health problems.When you go on the Master Cleanse, you eliminate not only waste but toxic waste, waste that has been accumlating in your colon and intestines for years.Waste that’s as black as tar. Years of hardened phlegm and mucus comes out as long chunks of rubber, taking the shape of your intestines.You can expect to eliminate all this waste when you go on the Master Cleanse.This program is exactly what every Master Cleanser would need to reach his/her best health with no hassle. And… it’s simple and easy (once you see the shortcuts)You’ll Also Receive These 3 Bonuses!Bonus #1: 30 Master Cleanse TipsIn this newsletter you’re going to find out…Alternative solutions for mind, body and soul and is your complete source for no-nonsense, natural health information.I will reveal to you latest information and progressive techniques regarding organic health and wellness, natural remedies and preventative therapies to renew your mindy, body and spirit.Bonus #2: NLP Subliminal CD – Fearless Self Confidence    # Eliminate all negative thoughts & mindsets hindering you    # Stop Self-esteem attacks on yourself    # Maintain a positive and healthy attitude towards lifeBonus #3: NLP Subliminal CD – Powerful Self Motivation    # Ignite a tireless relentless drive to accomplish    # Develop the energy and burning desire to do the things you want in lifeThe purpose of the audios is designed to give you an extra nudge of motivation, inspiration and confidence to bring you into the Master Cleanse and out with supreme ease!Wait… Want An Even Better Deal That Will Supercharge Your Health Now?The Master Cleanse alone is really going to change your health and life for the better in 10 short days. You’re going to feel so more energy and alive that you’ll want to maintain your new healthy body. That’s why I also want you to have these 6 special reports that will make you feel younger, more energy and even sexier.Fast Action Bonus #1: 20 Of The World’s Healthiest FoodsFind out which 20 super foods that can…    # Lower the risk of heart disease and stroke    # Contain antioxidants… to prevent cancer    # Reduce the risk of infection and illnesses    # Lower risk of heart attack and stroke    # Ease symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis    # PLUS: 6 healthiest cooking methods to preserve the natural flavor and nutrients of foodsFast Action Bonus #2: Natural Cures the Pharmaceutical Companies Don’t Want You to Know AboutDiscover simple homemade natural remedies to help treat    # Acne    # Heart Burn    # Constipation    # High blood pressure    # Asthma    # Anxiety    # Arthritis    # Flu and cold and more…Fast Action Bonus #3: Restoring Your Digestive HealthOver 35 million people in the United States suffer gut problems, discover…    # How abdominal massaging is an effective natural solution to treat your gut problem    # The use of probiotics to discourage opportunities for spoilage organisms in your gut    # How to burn calories while spending a lazy Sunday relaxing on the couch    # And much more…Fast Action Bonus #4: Cellulite No More… Natural Ways to Remove Cellulite    # The myths and facts of cellulite    # 8 ways to remove stubborn cellulite    # Does drinking water removes cellulite?    # And much more…Fast Action Bonus #5: 4 Simple Exercises to Looking and Feeling Young    # How to reverse the aging clock by exercising    # What the National Institute on Aging discovered on reversing the aging process    # How to emulate the positive effects of these Yoga and Tai Chi in the next 5 minutes    # And much more…Fast Action Bonus #6: Hollywood Beauty Secrets: Skin That Glows Naturally    # How to brighten your skin naturally with a simple and easy routine    # How to remove oil, dead skin and dirt from your skin with facials    # Natural healthy foods that have anti-inflammatory properties… to have your skin glowing in no time    # Why you should be relaxing more if you want to turn your body into an efficient fat burning machine    # And much more…I will also include another report entitled Power Sleep : The Missing Link to Achieving Peak PerformanceAt Master Cleanse Insider, we understand that you value your health very much, so I have included a selection of short videos covering simple, easy action steps to reduce stress, lose weight and enjoy better health.    # Avoid – Aches, Pains, Injuries    # Delay the Degeneration Process    # Dietary Tips to A Pain Free Arthritis    # How To Get A Flat Belly    # Stress Busters    # Tea As An Antioxidant    # The Power of MeditationI use the Master Cleanse for detoxification and weight loss regularly so I know how powerful it is. It’s helped me, it’s helped thousands of other people, and I know it can help you too.Sincerely,Katy Jones


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