Weston A Price Foundation – Gut Physiology and Syndrome 2010
Gut and Physiology Syndrome.avi
[1 DVD – Rip]
It all begins in the gut! Not just for autism, ADHD, and schizophrenia.The complete all day (5 hour) seminar of how the digestive system works, how it can become damaged by the foods we eat, and how digestion relates to many diseases, especially autoimmune diseases.“All diseases begin in the gut.”This is a wonderful phrase coined by Hippocrates more than two thousand years ago and the more we learn, the more we realize just how right he was. Every disease begins in the gut and we have to look at the digestive system when we try to treat any degenerative disease no matter how unrelated it may seem to the condition.If you are into the PALEO diet or similar, this talk will give you more understanding why the Paleo approach makes such a big difference.NOTE: This is an updated, expanded 2010 presentation of Campbell-McBride’s experience and theories that we have formerly learned as the Gut and Psychology Syndrome. If you have seen the Gut and PSYCHology presentation from 2008, this is similar, yet broader in scope beyond just childhood learning disabilities, autism, ADHD, and the like. Dr. Campbell-McBride — with her thick Russian accent — is one of the most popular speakers that regularly appears at the Weston A. Price Conferences.The presentation also includes detailed recommendations on how to apply the dietary principles for yourself, case studies, and eye-opening question-and-answer sessions from the audience.SPEAKER: Natasha Campbell-McBride, MD, graduated with honors as a medical doctor from Bashkir Medical University in Russia. After practicing for five years as a neurologist and three years as a neurosurgeon, her son was diagnosed autistic, which prompted an intensive study into causes and treatments of autism. It was during this time that Dr. Campbell-McBride developed her theories on the relationship between neurological disorders and nutrition. She then completed a second postgraduate degree in human nutrition at Sheffield University, UK. Having successfully treated her son, she has specialized in the nutritional approach as a treatment, and has become recognized as one of the world’s leading experts in treating children and adults with learning disabilities and other mental disorders. She lives in Cambridge UK, where she holds her clinic. Her books include Gut And Psychology Syndrome. Natural treatment of autism, ADHD, dyslexia, dyspraxia, depression and schizophrenia.A single AVI video file — 5 hours and 23 minutesA lecture filmed at the Wise Traditions Conference 2010 of the Weston A. Price Foundation. Famous for outstanding nutrition education from sources that are not tainted by profit seeking corporations, pharmaceutical companies, or government agencies.
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