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Kay Moon Dreamer – Native American Herbology Series

KAYMOONDREAMER – Native American Herbology
[3 VHSrip – 3 AVI]


The Native American Herbology Series introduces both practical understanding of native american herb craft and spiritual aspects of Native American herbal thought.1: NATIVE AMERICAN HERBOLOGY (45min)An informative and instructive video for beginners on the gathering and traditional use of herbs. Learn: The nine most commonly used herbs for treating a variety of ailments, including ulcers, high blood pressure, colds, flu, rheumatism, immune system deficiencies, kidney problems, skin problems, asthmas, hemorrhoids, P.M.S., coughs, gas and more. * The Native American spiritual approach to herbology. * Internal and external applications of herbs. * Herbs in their natural environment shown close-up for easy identification. 2: PREPARING HERBS FOR HOME REMEDIES (50min)Kay Moon Dreamer demonstrates how to use herbs effectively in preparing folk remedies for a multitude of common ailments. She focuses on wild crafting, drying and storage, and the preparation of infusions, decoction, tinctures, oils, ointments, salves, syrups, liniments, powders, electuaries, poultices fomentations, steams, baths, and much more.3: CULINARY HERBS FOR BETTER HEALTH (45min)Discover kitchen herbs and their healing properties; how to easily integrate herbs into your daily meals, and the use of simple cooking herbs for the treatment of asthma, indigestion, gas, bad breath, diabetes, low- and high-blood pressure, parasites, respiratory infections, coughs, sore throats, colds, depression, nervous tension, headaches, aching muscles, rheumatism, arthritis, inflamed/stiff joints, bites, kidney stones, dandruff, herpes and insomnia.Since time immemorial mankind has used herbal remedies. Today many people prefer the gentle effects of herbs to harsh over-the-counter drugs. They see the use of herbs as a step towards self-sufficiency and a more natural, simple and spiritual lifestyle. Review:”As the world moves faster and faster, edging toward a pinnacle of absolute efficiency, we are required to have more energy. With the advent of genetic engineering and the overuse of pesticides and preservatives greatly altering the nutritional content of our food, it is a wonder we get any nutrition at all. It is also a wonder that we are able to resist disease. As chemical remedies for the simplest of maladies become more and more prominent, so comes more and more mutations of these ailments. In all, the process becomes a form of addiction. We need to consume more in order to maintain a certain level of productivity, to gather enough capital to subsist. This push or need then begins to take a toll on mental and spiritual well-being.”Kay Moon Dreamer, a long-time herbologist, believes that by simply trying to understand and practice the ancient Native American art of herbology, many of the binds you feel may loosen and give enough room for escape. By not buying artificial remedies and spending more time treating common ailments with care and natural herbs as medicine, one can make a step toward self-sufficiency. These ancient remedies can help you heal and treat common sicknesses and ailments. Many modern artificial medicines are merely synthetic reproductions of ancient herbal remedies.”Dreamer is intent on helping you take the first, second, and third steps toward a more healthy and fulfilling life with the use of herbs. By breaking down Native American Herbology into three distinct sections, viewers are allowed to incorporate these practices into their daily routines at their own pace. Native American Herbology for Beginners builds the foundation by discussing what herbs are and what they can do to help improve your life. By focusing on the nine most commonly used herbs, Dreamer shows how to find and identify the herbs to treat such ailments as ulcers, the common cold, flu, poor complexion, and premenstrual syndrome. Preparing Herbs for Home Remedy takes the viewer through a step by step process of preparing herbs. With great detail and warming encouragement, Dreamer teaches you how to turn the herbs into salves, syrups, liniments, oils, and ointments. Culinary Herbs for Better Health covers how to use herbs in the kitchen. Dreamer believes that if you were to add some of these herbs to your cooking, many annoying little ailments such as migraines, kidney stones, dandruff, herpes, and insomnia can be kept in check — if not kept away all together. If you have been thinking about taking a small step toward living a more healthy life, this video series may be the teaching tool you need. With just the minimal effort needed to collect and prepare herbs, you can not only make yourself feel better, but you could save a great deal of money. ~ Ed Atkinson, Rovi


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