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Modernist Cuisine – The Art and Science of Cooking, Book 4

[ 1 eBook – PDF ]


Modernist Cuisine: The Art and Science of CookingA REV­O­LU­TION IS UNDER­WAY IN THE ART OF COOK­ING. Just as French Impressionists upended cen­turies of tra­di­tion, Modernist cui­sine has in recent years blown through the bound­aries of the culi­nary arts. Borrowing tech­niques from the lab­o­ra­tory, pio­neer­ing chefs at world-renowned restau­rants such as elBulli, The Fat Duck, Alinea, and wd~50 have incor­po­rated a deeper under­stand­ing of sci­ence and advances in cook­ing tech­nol­ogy into their culi­nary art.In Modernist Cuisine: The Art and Science of Cooking, Nathan Myhrvold, Chris Young, and Maxime Bilet—scientists, inven­tors, and accom­plished cooks in their own right—have cre­ated a six-volume 2,400-page set that reveals science-inspired tech­niques for prepar­ing food that ranges from the oth­er­worldly to the sub­lime. The authors—and their 20-person team at The Cooking Lab—have achieved astound­ing new fla­vors and tex­tures by using tools such as water baths, homog­e­niz­ers, cen­trifuges, and ingre­di­ents such as hydro­col­loids, emul­si­fiers, and enzymes. It is a work des­tined to rein­vent cooking.Book 4. Ingredients & PreparationsMODERN COOKS USE INGRE­DI­ENTS IN WAYS EAR­LIER GEN­ER­A­TIONS WOULD NEVER HAVE IMAG­INED, and new ingre­di­ents such as gelling and thick­en­ing agents, emul­si­fiers, and foams have found their way into every cor­ner of Modernist cui­sine. In its 400 pages, Volume 4 goes beyond tra­di­tional ingre­di­ents to explain thick­en­ers, gels, emul­sions, and foams—the real keys to both tra­di­tional and Modernist cook­ing at the high­est level.Hundreds of para­met­ric recipes and exam­ple recipes—many adapted from the world’s most famous and inno­v­a­tive chefs—illuminate the best options for mak­ing clas­sic dishes, such as stocks and sauces, in mod­ern ways and for prepar­ing Modernist cre­ations that go well beyond what clas­si­cal tech­niques can pro­duce. Noodles made of gel, feather-light foams, mus­sles in trans­par­ent spheres of their own brine, egg­less may­on­naise … the chap­ters in this vol­ume unlock doors and point the way to end­less possibilities.In keep­ing with the highly illus­trated approach the authors have taken else­where in the book, each tricky step is not just described but also shown, through thou­sands of pho­tographs. Step by step, photo by photo, read­ers who learned in vol­ume 3 how to make the per­fect ham­burger patty (it’s all in the grind­ing) now see how to pre­pare per­fect slices of their favorite cheese to top it. Ever want to infuse liq­uid smoke into let­tuce or noo­dles? Or cook an egg to the per­fect cus­tard tex­ture? The instruc­tions are all there. Volume 4 includes para­met­ric for­mu­las, illus­trated step-by-step tech­niques, and exam­ple recipes for:1. whole, pick­led, and pre­served eggs;2. cus­tards; blended and sep­a­rated egg gels;3. tofus and other pro­tein curds;4. cold gels, coat­ing gels, hot gels, and fluid gels;5. using pre­hy­drated starches and hydro­col­loids to thicken hot and cold liquids;6. mak­ing milks and creams;7. mak­ing edi­ble films;and many, many more.More info hereThis is a low quality scan but still readable.Take a bite and if you like it   join the gb for all six volumes here


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