Store Unexplainable – No Regrets, Clear Complexion And More
[9 mp3s]
Positive Mindset Enforcer- Brainwave Entrainment CD’s and DownloadsImproving Your Life with a Positive MindsetDo you want a better life?Two people can see the same situation and come to completely different opinions about it. In fact, most people do. Our opinions affect our lives more often than most other things. Some people see their family and rejoice at the good feelings and happy interactions they could have. And so they focus on developing these positive relationships and find themselves not only having a good time, but getting far closer than ever before in the process. Unfortunately, the same situation may bring about feelings of fear, animosity, and anxiety in another person. Why is this? The answer is simple. One person has a positive outlook on their life, seeing each change as an opportunity and the other sees it as a trial that must be fought against. What if there was a way to change that person’s opinion?It’s no contest which is more productive in creating a better life. People throughout history with positive constructive outlooks on life and the ability to work through challenges have found themselves in the history books celebrated for their apparent deep inner wisdom. People who victimized themselves and others, and were driven mad by their environments have also been recorded by history, but generally in a far different way.But what is the secret to uncovering this deep inner beauty that radiates outward? We found the answer to be surprisingly simple. Since 90% of happiness comes from within and can be generated without external forces, it seems the true problem of people being unhappy isn’t generated in the world around them, but rather in their own minds. And as we interact with others the very act of making others happy within your own mind can give you exactly what you need to start bettering the lives of those around you. And how do you generate it in your mind? Our recordings do just that.Cynicism in our lives can help us sometimes. It helps us spot problems we would otherwise miss. But those with a spiritual connection with their brains know how to use the caution our brain affords us without having to pay for it when we should be feeling good about ourselves. Cynicism is not designed to make us dislike how our own lives are going. Cynical people suffer when the behavior moves from their working memory to the amygdala where habitual behavior is stored. A person with a healthy level of caution will not engage in a behavior that may lower the quality of their life while an overly cynical person may avoid most situations, assuming they will cause them harm “somehow.” Cynicism in this case causes a great deal of stress and suffering to those who engage in it habitually.But there is good news. Just as our brains can be rewired by stressful events (events we may not even remember consciously) it can be changed so that a new system within the brain is given priority. In this case we lose all the negative aspects of cynicism and none of the positive ones.Do you suffer from constant bad luck? Do you naturally distrust people even if they show no reason to distrust them? Do you look for the faults in others as well as yourself, focusing on them instead of the good? If you said yes to any of these, then you’re exactly who this system is designed for.Stop feeling the pain of shutting everyone out of your life. You can change it all and start enjoying the world just as you always knew you could. Interestingly, many who use our “better life” entrainment therapy describe it as changing the world around them, when in reality it is only changing the most central element of everything we will ever do: you. Change your mind and live the life you deserve. All of us deserve to live happy.Achievement-846-binauralBalancer-825-binauralClear Complexion for Higher ConfidenceEveryone likes to have clear skin. But if you have a complexion problem, you’re only going to think about your complexion, which can be a source of both social anxiety and a poor self image. People with great complexions always say it’s as easy as just focusing on your great personality. But you know it’s hard to focus on your personality when you’re insecure about acne or other complexion issues.You know what you look like on “good days” and you know that you’re capable of looking great. So why let acne and other problems be the focus of what you see about yourself? Our entrainment therapy is designed to help people of all ages live in a world where their complexion is under control. A clear complexion will not only let you live a better life, it will ensure others see you the way you deserve to be seen. We all need a chance to look good. Everyone deserves to live in a world where they are seen as beautiful.Many people who experience constant outbreaks will seem withdrawn or even antisocial. It’s not that they don’t want to be social, it’s that they have been overwhelmed by image issues. Occasionally it stems from hygiene, but it’s usually a hormonal imbalance as the body is left in flux during a time of great change. And sometimes this great change can follow you through your adult life as well. Why take that risk? Why not get it under control as soon as possible?You’ve experimented with treatments, creams, and overpriced facial scrubs. Now it’s time to use something that works so any complexion problems you once had can now be nothing more than a memory. Creams and scrubs can do little aside from clean the problem. But what if the real problem isn’t on the outside? Acne comes as the result of improper blood flow, oils, and impurities in the skin. By improving your body’s handling of this blood flow you can remove the impurities and grow in a more healthy and natural way.Never go through the fear of preparing for a big event only to find your complexion isn’t cooperating. Don’t let blemishes ruin your memories. There’s no limit to how good you can look. Don’t wait another minute.lBetter Yourself and Eliminate RegretsIt’s Time to Let Go. Focus on the Future.It’s no mystery that sometimes bad luck just comes around and forces us through experiences that can leave us with gnawing guilt for a long time. And there are still other times when we simply can’t get over something we’ve done wrong in the past. Ask yourself: If you could do it over again, would you do it differently now? Why make yourself suffer forever if you know you’re more capable of dealing with the same situations now than you were then? As we get more experienced, we should be able to earn ourselves a second chance. But unfortunately, for so many of us this seems as far away as the past itself.The reason for this is because guilt is an emotion like any other. It’s a state of mind that can be brought on by triggers – such as an anniversary, a smell, or even a specific word or name. These triggers can be so common, however, that they threaten to move the guilt from a simple reactionary behavior to habitual behavior. With this phenomenon, the brain considers guilt to be the default setting. Many people have lived with guilt so long, they’ve essentially forgotten how to live life differently. It’s time for that to change. It’s time to get your life back so you can start enjoying yourself again.No matter what the regrets are, you certainly don’t deserve to suffer indefinitely. We all make mistakes, and we all grow and better ourselves as a result. Imagine for a moment now living your life without that gnawing guilt. Do you ever think about going back to the time before the event or events happened that made you feel guilt in the first place? If so, then there is a solution.Regret may feel like a positive emotion, or a justified emotion, but we need only look at the emotions regret can lead to and we clearly see that it isn’t the positive constructive emotion it sometimes is said to be. Regret brings about fear, anger, and jealousy. It kills happiness and destroys hope. It replaces everything good we have with more bad. And how can you lead a positive healthy life of helping others and yourself when you’re overburdened by something you cannot control? Don’t try to control your past. Control your future right now.Positive-Mindset-359-BinauralReach-out-j38-binauralFull-spectrrum-463-binauralLove-yourself-476-binaurafor more infos please check their sitealso i bought them and do not want them to be on other torrents sites
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