Ancient SPIRITUAL HEALING Sound of HU — Eckankar
HU – A Love Song to God
[1CD – 12 MP3]
“I can see auras,” she said. “Pinks, greens, blues and all mixtures of colored lights were showing.” This visitor saw the energy fields around people that reflect their state of mind. “But when you taught the group to sing HU, ” she explained, “then everyone’s light turned white!” “White light means HU brings out your spiritual side. Then it’s easier to see the answers you need. Easier to hear that guiding voice in your heart.” “Yes,” I agreed. “Eckankar teaches ways to find the Light and Sound of God.”HU — A Love Song to God Released 2005 by Eckankar “HU, this ancient name for God, is a love song to God. You can sing it. And in singing it or holding it in your mind during times to need, it becomes a prayer. It becomes a prayer of the highest sort.” —— Harold KlempTracks 1 — 11 of this program presents spiritual exercises and wisdom about the most ancient name for God, HU, including a dream and Soul Travel technique. Each is to help you uplift your spiritual consciousness.Track 12 contains a 20-minute recording of a large group of people singing HU. You can sing along with this uplifting musical sound or listen to it to help attune yourself to the ever-present reality of God in your life.FEATURES: Harold Klemp, the spiritual leader of Eckankar. He is the author of ‘Past Lives, Dreams and Soul Travel,’ along with more than 45 other published works about the journey home to God. Known as a pioneer of ‘everyday spirituality,’ he is helping thousands discover the way of bringing the enlightenment of Soul into everyday life and practice.Need peace of mind?Or help in hard times?Sing ‘Huuuuuu . . . . ‘ ( as in human) in a gentle, long way, like a love song or lullaby.After a few minutes of this ancient prayer song, you will likely notice the Light and Sound of God in some small way, perhaps as a feeling of love or a helpful insight.Try it for a few days. See for yourself if there’s anything to it.It doesn’t matter what your religion is. Anyone can use the HU.* * * * * * * “What happened?” she asked. “How could I understand the book now, when it made no sense just a few weeks ago. Because it made me calm and relaxed, I had been sitting quietly and singing HU each day. But then, one day, I saw a light — even though my eyes were closed. It was so beautiful. I had to know what it was. I pulled out that Eckankar book which I gave up on the first time. Strangely enough, I understood every page. I couldn’t put it down! And it dawned on me, the book didn’t change. So I must have changed. I understood more than before. Because of singing HU.”* * * * * * * In modern times the experience of this Light of God has spread well beyond the inner circle of mystics. For example, you may know someone who saw the Light in a near-death experience. You’ve observed their new perceptions and new ways of being. The Sound of God is perhaps less well know, yet many scriptures give primary importance to the Sound or Word. “In the beginning was the Word,’ begins the Gospel according to St. John. Though millions of people have read such passages in scripture, few seem to have connected it with something real and tangible in their own lives.“I heard that Sound many years ago,” she shared after singing HU with us. “Waking up one morning, I thought it was the wind blowing outside until I realized the Sound was inside of me. It was that Sound. And my life changed completely after that!” A professor of philosophy for 25 years, yet it was her experiences with the Light and Sound that made the greatest spiritual transformations in her life. How many know that? If you’re reading this, it’s likely you have experienced the Light or Sound too. Think back. Was it in a dream? Maybe in childhood? Has a sound ever seemed to come from nowhere, like a hum, or high-pitched tone, or music? Harold Klemp, the modern-day prophet of Eckankar, helps people recognize the power of their own intimate experiences with God. His books and tapes get you started with simple spiritual exercises to experience the Light and Sound. Purified by the Light and Sound, you will be able to accept the full love of God in this very lifetime. After that, you become a Co-worker with God, both here and in the next world.The quality of your life depends upon one thing — your connection with Divine Spirit, which is the Light and Sound of God. You have a great spiritual destiny. Make this lifetime count!* * * * * * * “You know about HU?” the Native American gentleman whispered with a startled look. Striking up a conversation in a hotel lobby, he mentioned he traveled with the Native American Elder that spoke before the United Nations Assembly earlier that day. He was surprised that I asked if he ever chanted HU. “Our Elder teaches us to sing HU. This word brings one closer to the Creator. It brings help in hard times. but it’s a sacred practice. We rarely share it outside of our people.” “Oh,” I replied, “But the HU is found in many old cultures around the world. I learned it from Eckankar.”* * * * * * * In some parts of Africa, people still use the HU. “They just know,” Mr. Dufu said, “When you sing HU that help always comes. But they have forgotten that this is really calling on God.” In Ghana, mothers tell their children to sing HU when they’re frightened,” explained Mrs. Dufu. “They don’t know why HU brings such peace, but it comforts the yourngsters. The ancient spiritual roots of Africa are re-discovered with Eckankar.
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