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Bashar – An Essassani Story

Bashar – Essassani Story (2011-06-18) Audios
[1 CD – 2 MP3s]



“An Essassani Story”June 19, 2011 Los AngelesBashar speaks about events that exist within Bashar’s reality and how they relate to Earth’s reality. How the archetypes of stories are anchored in the framework of existence. Q&A includes: How can we use story-structure to teach children? How can I change the belief that following my excitement will be nothing but a “goose-chase?”, Do we really need to eat food? How can I overcome my unwanted childhood memories? How do the bible’s stories relate to our human story as seen by extra-terrestrials? What is the secret function of goose-bumps? How do ETs and films reflect the mass agreement of society? Includes a HOLOTOPE EXPERIENCE and a Father’s Day appreciation for Bashar.This product is the audio version of


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