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Alan Watts – You’re It – On Hiding, Seeking, and Being Found

Alan Watts – You’re It
[ 1 CD – 3 MP3 . 1 JPG ]



Alan Watts – You’re It – On Hiding, Seeking, and Being FoundSynopsis:These restored audio sessions selected by Alan Watts’ son and archivist Mark Watts reveal this extraordinarily spiritual teacher in his element. In this rich collection (17 hours of tapes) Alan Watts covers a wide range of topics, but whether he’s unravelling Taoist thought, poking fun at our modern myths, or exploring the beauty of Japanese poetry, he always returns to one all-important lesson – how to get out of your own way and live in the perfection that is always present.Imagine you’re climbing a mountain path that will lead you to a paradise where all your needs are met and your questions an aswered. What do you find when you reach the top? A mirror. This is the great cosmic game, reveals Alan Watts, that everything you’re seeking through meditation, self-improvement, or spiritual practice is always hiding inside of you. Join this legendary “stand-up philosopher” for 15 classic talks on how to play your role in the divine drama of existence with a clear mind, open eyes, and an abiding sense of the joy in the game itself.Program highlights include: On Buddhism, Taoism, Hinduism and their translation into Western thought; the beauty of the unenlightened state – why you don’t have to be “awakened” to play the great game; mind over mind – the contradiction at the heart of all spiritual practice; the veil of thoughts – how to stop being bamboozled by your own brain; what is reality? Is the universe a ceramic pot, a clockwork engine, or something far more interesting?; the game of yes and no – how non-dual truths are revealed in the duality of yin and yang; and much more.


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