Adam Eason-Hypnosis Set 7
Adam Eason-Set 8
[8 mp3]
Description Exclusive… sharing elsewhere will result in being banned! Product DescriptionHYPNOSIS SESSION 1. Curb Food CravingsAt the time of putting this hypnosis session together, it was in response to the festive season that was drawing ever nearer… Christmas seems to start mid October these days! The Christmas advertisements go on the television, shop fronts are covered in sparkly adornments and of course, we start reaching for those bigger trousers as our waist lines start to increase due to the scoffing that goes on at this time of year.You should see the winter time mugs of hot chocolate that my wife Katie makes when we go to the Beach Hut at this time of year when the sun shines. All wrapped up watching the sea, the quiet beach, a stark contrast to the hustle and bustle of Summer… Katie fills the mugs with hot chocolate, topped with cream and brimming over with marshmallows… Then out comes all the rest…Mince pies; Mulled wine; Turkey feasts with roast potatoes and those delicious ‘pigs in blankets’ (sausages wrapped in bacon). There is chocolate of every denomination. Huge hams. Slabs of smoked salmon. It is the only time of year I eat dates and sugared almonds! There are snacks and nibbles that accompany every get together… ADD to that the booze!!… We have boozy snowballs which is Cava with Advocaat, not to mention that we get a barrel of real ale in and enough wines and spirits to get an army inebriated!It wears me out just thinking about it.I recently wrote about this on my blog – a problem is created when we eat to excess. The more we eat, the more our mind and body wants to eat. When we eat to excess, especially loads of simple carbs and refined sugars, and then when we sleep less during party season and drink too much, general fatigue also contributes to us eating more.Then we start craving stuff. We crave and are only satiated when we are stuffed full and snoozing again. The cycle continues and takes all our might with our new years resolutions to get us on the straight and narrow again.I get asked repeatedly about how to deal with cravings.The real answer is all about eating and drinking in such a way as to ensure cravings do not occur in the first place. Yeah right!!! – BUT…But there is a problem as people don’t want to hear that stuff. They always tell me that they know they should have eaten a particular way in the first place…So today I am NOT going to be writing about that stuff.So the next best thing, is to have a process aimed at dealing with cravings as they occur. Of course, this kind of process is not limited to the festive season, if there is a particular food or drink that you know you need to control your hankerings for, then this hypnosis session is for you. You practice this process and listen to the audio for a few times and then you’ll have a tool to use in real life situations to deal with cravings of any kind at any time.HYPNOSIS SESSION 2. Take Control Of Your AppetiteThis is another audio session that I put together by popular demand when asked by followers of my work to offer up some tools to deal with excessive eating at Christmas time. At the festive time of year, my diary fills up with Christmas celebrations that seem to start earlier each year.The TV advertisements are filled with roasted turkeys and nibbles to ensure anyone and everyone is giving in to temptation and needing to pop open the top button of our trousers following the gorging.I think we all know what happens during the eating festive season, don’t we? The more we eat, the more comfortable we get eating more and the more hungry we seem to get to stuff our faces even more! A LOT of MORES in that sentence!!This amazing hypnosis session is a rather simple and classic hypnotherapy process for helping anyone to maintain their ability to control their appetite and turn down any seeming ‘need’ to gorge. The bonus is that if you manage to reign things in you won’t arrive in January looking like you borrowed your trousers from UK X-Factor reject Frankie Cocozza. (For those of you not familiar, google some images of him and his incredibly tight trousers and you’ll understand what I mean)This process is not exclusive to the festive season of course…It is for anyone who wants to take control of their appetite. We all know what will happen if we eat too much; more than our physical needs and more than is healthy. Sometimes it can be as simple as learning how to handle our appetite.This hypnosis session gets you tuned in to your real hunger and gets you acquainted again with your bodies real indication of what your appetite is and where it is at. Once you have used this session a few times, you start to develop a genuine sense ‘hunger tuning’ and of control which you can process outside of hypnosis You will be able to turn down the perceived hunger and put your appetite back on the track it should be.For many, this is a revelation – learning to simply and healthily get in control of your own hunger and appetite.Ideally, you want to get to the stage whereby you only eat when your body knows it is right to do so and that you really think about eating rather than just eating for the sake of it; and without bothering to check out mentally how your appetite actually is. Modern life does seem to find us becoming wildly removed from what our true appetite and hunger tells us – with this hypnosis track, you simply learn to control it, understand it and turn your appetite down if need be!We do tend to lose track of what our appetite actually is and when we re-learn how to gauge it well, it is a brilliant way to control our weight and eating habits.This hypnosis track shows you how to do just that.HYPNOSIS SESSION 3. Enhanced Mental Calmness and Clarity of ThoughtWhen I put this audio track together, we had bonfire night, or fireworks night, or the remembrance of when Guy Fawkes unsuccessfully attempted to blow up the Houses of Parliament, or whatever other name it is called. It is a marvellous celebration here in the UK and I do love watching fireworks.I have a slight gripe though which is that; aside from the impressive displays that go on organised in public places for large numbers to watch, lots of neighbours now also let off loads of fireworks, late into the night and without any prior warning… Which is a problem for our cat, who gets terrified by them.That said, our cat deals with it all in a very intelligent manner. He finds a spot behind the sofa, sits there calmly and waits for the fireworks to end before he decides to go about his business of being a cat when the furore, noise and flashing lights are all over.What an inspiration. In fact I am going to suggest here that maybe you should be a copycat – Sometimes life gets a bit like that and I see a metaphor here with some parallels to be drawn… I think it is best summed up by Rudyard Kipling, in the brilliant poem If:If you can keep your head when all about youAre losing theirs and blaming it on you;I made a joke on my hypnotherapy diploma course recently when someone questioned something I said (I mean, how dare they not treat me like a sanctimonious dictator who is clearly always right and knows best!) because after asking her question, she attempted to get others to join in and agree to support her argument. We had a lot of fun discussing it and very often, when someone really believes in something strongly, those in close proximity get drawn in without needing to be asked.Look at big sporting events where the team supporters all rise up in protest of something in unison, for example. The penalty claim draws a crowd reaction. There are many other similar examples.In life, often if a crisis ensues, some people react in a particular way and others automatically respond to the contagious state of mind, or develop the same feelings and all hell can be unleashed upon the world. The riots here in the UK this summer was a reminder of how others can easily be drawn dangerously into something they would not normally respond to.Sometimes, we need to be able to find ourselves a protected spot and make intelligent decisions and react in our own way rather than being dragged in to feeling and responding according to that of others.. But rather than sitting behind the sofa next to a lovely warm radiator as my cat does, I want to help equip you with a process that enables you to do that in your own mind.This is not just about protecting yourself from the feelings of others and joining in, and thus having your own genuine personal response. It is also about keeping calm and maintaining a progressive mindset in all kinds of life’s circumstances… And what better way to demonstrate how to do this, than to use fireworks?This hypnosis session teaches you how to maintain clarity of thought in any situation, as long as it is healthy and useful for you and your life. It teaches you how to develop a deep level of mental calmness which all of us need from time to time. Enjoy it.HYPNOSIS SESSION 4. Ending The Roller Coaster And Achieving Some BalanceIt has been great having Keith back at the helm following his recent scare and he was touched by the number of emails and messages that he has received since writing about the experience in a recent Adam Up. Keith’s wife had to stop him from heading off to play badminton and he has been getting right royally stuck in as far as our business goes here… So he is recovering mightily well.Life is full of ups and downs isn’t it?Some people love roller coasters. I know I do. Ever since visiting Disney World as a young boy on a family holiday and going on the ‘Thunder Mountain Railway’ ride…I also associate so many funny things with Roller Coasters; hilarious experiences with friends; and that video clip of the cub scout group who wrote to the BBC’s ‘Jim’ll Fix It’ programme in the 1980s and asked to eat their packed lunches on a roller coaster… Very funny stuff.Even though so many people love roller coasters, there are others who dread them and even some who fear them, and many people talk and write about the similarity between, and the fine line dividing, fear and excitement.Roller coasters are also used as a metaphor and a way of describing life. For many, the human condition is like a roller coaster, isn’t it? I mean, one minute we can feel high and happy and pleased, and the next we might feel annoyed, frustrated or fed up.For many, it is just accepted as the way of things, and it is a rare individual who is able to achieve real balance as far as life, emotions and the human condition are concerned.I think we can help reign in the roller coaster effect of life and actually create some balance, especially if that is what we want and what we’d prefer.The fact that we have little control over the roller coaster ride is sometimes mirrored in some of life’s circumstances and situations too, isn’t it? We feel like life is doing stuff to us, instead of us actually cracking on with it and at it. It is similar to the difference of being the driver of a car and the passenger.With this hypnosis session, I am offering up a process that is aimed at eliminating a period of roller coaster-like symptoms or issues and get you feeling balanced, at ease and in control of life. All of us benefit from being in the drivers seat of our own life, and this session ensures you’ll feel absolutely in control of your own life and help you to feel balanced and at ease, even in the face of turbulent times.HYPNOSIS SESSION 5. Let Go Of Anger: With A Clenched Fist?!Often when a closed fist is mentioned, people might think about it being a symbol of anger, a symbol of might or strength, or maybe as a symbol of violence. Others might perceive a closed fist as a sign of aggression, or celebration, or as a means to inspire someone. For some it represents power or a sense of freedom, and it is a sense of freedom that I want to promote within this hypnosis session; using a fist and combining it with hypnosis for great therapeutic effect to help let go of anger.This kind of process that I am sharing within this audio session does not have to be limited to people that may think they have an anger problem. Rather, it may well be used by anyone hoping to overcome an angry episode. Likewise, it is a great tool for any hypnotherapist to be able to use with clients who want to deal with and manage anger effectively and I use it with great effect in my therapy rooms.Many people and many clients of a hypnotherapist often need to be shown how to let go of a negative affect that they experience. Especially if that negative experience has some accompanying physical tension.I have shown a great number of methods and means for dealing with anger at my website and within many of my other hypnosis audio tracks in the past; including an array of mental imagery techniques and strategies all aimed at lessening such sensations and affects. With the closed-fist technique that I am sharing here in this hypnosis session, you are encouraged to use your physiology to contain and control unwanted sensations of anger.This is an incredibly powerful session and gives you the tools to let go of anger or overcome an angry episode.6. Let Go Of Stress: Enjoying Rock ThrowingHave you ever noticed how humans like to throw stuff?I am a big fan of skimming stones across the sea front where I live, but I also love chucking rocks and stones and making splashes. Have you ever dropped stuff (safely of course) from cliffs and down wells and found a sense of enjoyment to be had from it?There are also sports and events that involve us throwing things around and heck, why not gain some therapeutic benefit from throwing and chucking stuff too, eh?Have you ever heard anyone use the expression “chucking his toys out of the pram” when it comes to talking about someone being childishly angry or frustrated? Before we get to express ourselves in a range of other more sophisticated ways as adults, we throw and chuck and drop, don’t we?With this hypnosis session, I am offering up a technique to use the process of letting go that combines hypnosis, with mental imagery and also a metaphoric process of letting go. It is incredibly beneficial for overcoming and letting go of stress and tension and helps you take control of your mind and body.This hypnosis track equips you to let go of stress that you no longer want or need and to let go of anything that is unhealthy to hold on to. This might include stress, tension, worry – anything that is starting to interfere with your enjoyment of life.If you have any stress, tension, frustration or worry that you’d like to let go of, then use this hypnosis track to help you do it. You are going to be amazed at how effective this is when you engage with it!HYPNOSIS SESSION 7. Eliminate (Latent) Anger: The Anger TVFollowing on from an ezine article I wrote a while back about dealing with anger, I got such a wonderful response from readers about the process and also a great deal of questions. In the follow up one of the discussions focused on the difference between anger being experienced in the here and now and what is often referred to an ‘latent’ anger which sits below our awareness to a degree and influences and affects us more subtly than the obvious outward outbursts of red-mist anger.Several people asked me about a good technique for dealing with this latent type of anger and though my advice is always that such an issue warrants much more depth with a qualified professional to deal with properly, there are a number of things an individual can do to deal with it. One very powerful hypnosis process is what I am sharing with you here in this hypnosis track.Television sets and screens of varying natures have been used for many decades and continue to be a frequently used metaphoric tool within the world of therapy, personal development and self-improvement, and they are an inherent part of the lives of many of us in the Western world and most people respond to them and understand them. We are going to use a television as a metaphor to help us within this hypnosis technique.This process does involve imagining some lightly flashing and flickering types of imagery, and if you have a condition or disposition that is unsuited or if you are usually recommended to avoid flashing lights for any reason, then I also advise that you do not use this technique.This process has been proven time and again to help people to let go of latent anger and make an amazing difference to their lives – it is a profound session that I am certain you’ll benefit from greatly.HYPNOSIS SESSION 8. Getting Energised: Using Atoms Of EnergyI was inspired to put this audio track together one year as winter was setting in.The clues that winter had arrived were plentiful: I was amazed to be up and walking around in the dark. Yes indeed, 6am had become very dark, pitch black, where it had been so light throughout the Summer. I had started wearing warmer clothing to work and to sleep in. I was not running in vests when doing my marathon training anymore. The Summer taps had been turned off at the sea front, so I had to train wearing my big Camelback (brand) backpack which carries two litres of water instead of a single bottle when running.All indicators that the Summer is over and that Autumn/Winter had arrived.I have said it before and I’ll say it again, I love the changing seasons here in the UK. They are less severe here on the south coast, but I love watching the scenery change colour and I get excited by the darker evenings just as much as I do when they get lighter in late spring. I love the changes in my own garden… I start planning for the upcoming year, moving shrubs around, choosing what vegetables I’ll grow next year and finishing the harvest from this years crops and goodies.It all keeps me driven and motivated and moving.With the change of season, comes the annual new academic year for me, a new group of students on my diploma courses, meaning that I have a very busy time ahead of me. my continued marathon training, my current research studies, new business ventures, busy client schedule, maintaining my marriage to my amazing and supportive wife…Well, it can leave a man feeling pooped.Why am I telling you all this?Well, because this hypnosis session contains a magnificent process that I share with my clients and students when they ask me how I stay so energised, motivated and inspired throughout the year.This hypnosis track is designed to help you stay healthily energised – using atoms. Boom!If you want to learn how to maintain healthy and high levels of energy, drive and motivation, then this hypnosis track is going to get you feeling invigorated, full of vigour, zest and those around you will notice the difference nearly as much as you notice the difference in how you feel.Get energised.Get uplifted.Get driven and inspired using your own mind.This is the tonic – get it in your brain today!
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