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Paul McKenna-I Can Make You Confident

Paul McKenna – I Can Make you Confident
[4-CD Set]



Would you like to have the confidence to go for anything you want in life?In this groundbreaking CD set, Paul Mckenna reveals the secrets of mastering your emotions and living with a greater sense of ease and certainty than ever before. You will learn how to push the ‘off’ switch for fear and desperation and create massive amounts of confidence and motivation in just a few moments. Before you’ve even finished using this set your whole attitude to life will begin to change for the better!Would you like to feel strong in difficult situations?Whether you want to feel totally confident in business, romance, or any other area of your life, Paul will walk you step by step through a series of simple yet powerful techniques normally only available to his private clients and seminar attendees. This audio system contains mind-programming CDs that use the latest psychological techniques to fill your mind with positive thoughts and feelings. Each time you listen, you will be re-enforcing positive optimism and programming your mind for success.Contents:CD1: The Secrets of Naturally Confident PeopleCD2: Confidence in the Real WorldCD3: The Power to go for Anything You WantCD4: Your daily Confidence Workout4 CDs ripped to mp3CD1Track 1: length: 00:31:10 38,220KBTrack 2: length: 00:27:05 27,830KBCD2Track 1: length: 00:09:10 11,107KBTrack 2: length: 00:04:04 4,925KBTrack 3: length: 00:10:08 12,231KBTrack 4: length: 00:06:33 8,147KBCD3Track 1: length: 00.30:07 36,567KBTrack 2: length: 00:21:39 24,544KBCD4Track 1: length: 00:04:32 5,254KBTrack 2: length: 00:02:26 2,863KBTrack 3: length: 00:01:04 1,241KBTrack 4: length: 00:00:57 1,089KBTrack 5: length: 00.01:13 1,381KBTrack 6: length: 00:00:58 1,190KB


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