Paul Linden – Comfort at Your Computer – Feldenkrais
Paul Linden – Comfort at Your Computer – Feldenkrais (1999).pdf
[1 ebook – PDF]
This new exclusive material is part of the Feldenkrais & Thomas Hanna SOMATICS Integration group buy.This group buy is still open & the forum is listed at: at Your Computer – FeldenkraisAuthor: Paul LindenDescription: 306 pages scanned, OCRed & bookmarked. Comfort at Your Computer – FeldenkraisCompute in Comfort is an excellent resource for anyone who uses a computer. True to its title, the book shows the reader in clear and easy to understand steps how to use a computer in comfort. Dr Linden adroitly synthesizes knowledge from his physical education background (he has both a master’s degree and a doctoral degree in physical education) with his extensive body work experience (aikido, yoga, karate, Alexander Technique, and Feldenkrais Method) in his attempt to reduce computer stress and repetitive motion injuries.The book is comprehensive and clearly organized. Part 1 is essentially a guided tour of the body with experiential exercises for each body segment aimed at increasing body awareness and comfort. Part 1 also has several sections on movement and relaxation breaks, including 5-second work breaks, 3-minute work breaks, and 20-minute at-home movement sessions. Part 2 focuses on the work environment. It includes information on chair design and its effect on sitting posture, desk height and space, input devices (including keyboard, mouse, trackball, and tablet), monitor placement, and lighting. There are separate chapters on the use of laptops and on standing workstations, as well as a chapter on the general work environment.The organization within each chapter is clear and consistent. There is a brief introductory section specifying that chapter’s objectives. Each chapter contains movement and awareness activities accompanied by clear illustrations. Key points are bulleted at the end of the chapter. This strategy makes the book easy to read and use.Compute in Comfort focuses on prevention of computer stress through optimal and efficient use of the body, rather than on expensive equipment that often does not solve the problem. In addition, Linden connects a person’s thoughts and emotions to the physical realm in dealing with computer stress, presenting a holistic and well-balanced approach. This is an excellent book for people at risk for computer stress and for the clinicians who treat them. It functions both as a resource book and as a self-help text. It should also be of interest to companies whose workers use computers. The author should be commended for writing such a clear, concise, and useful text.The web site for this material is at: keep this a elib exclusive, thanks.The group buy is open and at:: Ratio FreeElite/VIP: 4 weeksPower Users (PU): 8 weeksUsers: Upgrade to PU or contribute at:, Mazen
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