Barbara Keesling – Discover Your Sensual Potential – A Woman’s Guide to Guaranteed Satisfaction
Barbara Keesling – Discover Your Sensual Potential – A Woman’s Guide to Guaranteed Satisfaction.pdf
[1 eBook – PDF]
Barbara Keesling – Discover Your Sensual Potential – A Woman’s Guide to Guaranteed SatisfactionSex is one of the purest forms of human endeavor–the ultimate arena of sharing between people. It is the nourishing confluence of so many special elements: touch, physicality, communication, play, arousal, and intimacy. So why so often does the entire focus of sex for women become: Will I have an orgasm or won’t I? Wouldn’t it be wonderful–for both men and women–if female orgasm were no longer an uncertainty, but rather, a given?Dr. Barbara Keesling allows this fantasy of sexual fulfillment to be any woman’s reality–following her unique exercises designed to strengthen and gain control over a little-known, rarely exercised internal area of the female body, it is possible for all women to control and guarantee orgasm! Once loving partners are no longer worried about climax, the pressure often associated with lovemaking gives way–and sex can reach its full potential.To this end, Dr. Keesling paves the way for wonderful sensual payoffs by including racy and romantic exercises to help couples rediscover that sex is much more than striving for a big finish–it’s the sensual stops along the way that make it worthwhile.
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