Gemma Bailey – People Building – NLP Pack
Gemma Bailey – People Building – NLP Pack
[ 11 MP3, 4 MP4, 4 M4A, 8 PDF , 2 FLV , 2 JPG]
Gemma Bailey – People Building – NLP Pack I’ve put together a total no-brainer top value package of Hypnosis and NLP audios on 6 CDs that I’ll post out to you. All you have to pay is £4.99 postage and packaging.Claim your FREE 6 CD set forJUST £4.99 postage & packagingand discover:The 3 most powerful NLP techniques– and how to do themNLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) is a series of techniques and methods that can be used to change your attitude, the way in which you think, and to positively influence the results you get and the emotional states you experience.I’m going to share with you the most effective NLP techniques I use, why they work so well and tell you how to do them. These are the tools that will give you instant access to good feelings and wipe out any negative emotions what have been loitering needlessly – for years maybe.These are the tools I most commonly use in my therapy practice to help people achieve staggering positive results really fast (and I charge them quite a lot of money for that experience – you’re going to get that information for just £4.99 postage & packaging.)These 3 CD’s (which contain information usually reserved for NLP Professional training qualifications) contain the following…Technique No.1 will tell you:How to instantly improve your emotional state.Where most people go wrong with this NLP technique.How to increase the potency of the positive emotions you desire.Technique No.2 will teach you how to:Resolve conflicts with others.Help you develop the ability to see the world from another person’s point of view.Genuinely feel empathy understanding of the emotions of others therefore increasing rapport and resolving unease in relationships.Technique No.3 will:Obliterate significant emotional events from the past and resolve past hurts and injustices.Offer you the opportunity to forgive yourself and others.(3 CD set valued at £197.00) How to hypnotise yourself to achievemassive personal improvement.Self-hypnosis is the easiest and most relaxing way to develop total mind power. Hypnosis has been recognised by medical councils in the UK and USA since the 1950s due to the speed and effectiveness demonstrated when helping those in pain and for helping people undergo operations without any anaesthetic.I’m going to tell you about the best ways to achieve hypnosis, without having to visit a hypnotist and pay a fortune. The secrets I share here are really simple and easy to follow but the best bit is, the better you get at it, the more effective you will become at mastering your own mind.With practice and the help of this guide, you too will develop the ability to enter into a deep relaxing hypnotic state where you can create the changes you desire.You’re going to discover how to:Achieve total body relaxation and how to develop a trigger that will allow you to return to that deeply relaxed state whenever you want.How to count yourself down into a deeper level of trance for healing, pain control and unconscious suggestion.Learn the importance of slowing your mind for better health and wellbeing.Safely bring yourself out of trance feeling refreshed and alert.Plus you’ll receive our best selling full length hypnosis session currently sold on People Building and Itunes for £7.99.(2 CD set valued at £97.00) TOP SECRET SKILLSHow to Influence Others With Your LanguageIf you’ve ever felt inspired, compelled to react, felt emotionally moved or persuaded by the words of someone, then you have been affected by hypnotic language.This is rarely something that occurs by accident. Great leaders and speakers are trained in how to use key words in certain ways to gain maximum effect.This CD will unravel the truths that powerful speakers keep secret. It includes:Discover the power of intonation and command and how to use your voice to create maximum impact.Learn the words that are proven to cause others to take action and respond to your instructions.Find out a major confusion technique which leaves the unconscious open to instruction.(CD valued at £47.00) It’s easy – if you want to get your hands onsome of my very best material for FREE, worth over£340, then your commitment is just £4.99 postage and packaging.For just £4.99 I’ll ship you a copy of the 6 CDs, packed with hours of juicy information. – PLUS, I’ll give you INSTANT online access to the MP3 versions as well, so you’ll access to them in seconds. Thanks to the original uploader
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