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John Harricharan – The Power Pause

The Power Pause



With three steps, in about three minutes, you can start on a life of success,wealth and happiness.    What do you want? What is your dream? To make more money? To find a better job? To have a great family life? To travel to faraway places? To enjoy fantastic relationships? To experience better health or just have more peace, joy and prosperity?    The “PowerPause” shows you how to get to the place where making money — any amount of money, having all the happiness, health and peace you can imagine become as simple as following a roadmap.    This material will show and explain to you, in story form, the three “principles” for success and happiness. What does it require to be able to use this material?First, let me tell you what it does not require:    It doesn’t require education. There are many people without a high school education who’ve successfully used this method. I also know those with masters degrees or doctorates who have benefited from the “PowerPause.”    It doesn’t require a fantastic IQ. Just ordinary, everyday common sense and a willingness to try a slightly different way.    It really doesn’t even require “capital.” Many successful individuals in the beginning never had the luxury of lots of capital to start with.    It doesn’t require business or any other type of experience. Experience may be helpful elsewhere, but it’s not required here. What, then, does it require?    All you need is an open mind… open enough to take a chance on you and the material contained in the “PowerPause.” This simple, step-by-step formula has led thousands of people to the success and happiness they desire. You just need to believe enough to put the three, simple steps into action. You just need to give yourself permission to think slightly different for a short while.Does it really work?    Here’s what Michelle Lawley, real-estate agent from Georgia said:    “The ‘PowerPause’ principles have helped me personally and professionally to make money and be happier and healthier. The powerful insights really helped in dealing with and overcoming real-world issues.”    And here’s what Porter Poole, President, WowSolutions, Inc., speakers bureau in Atlanta said:    “Sometimes the simplest truths are the most powerful. Such is the case of the ‘PowerPause.’ Anyone seeking tools to success should take advantage of this strategy. Read it and take action right now.”Over twenty-five years in the making    It took over a quarter of a century to bring the “PowerPause” into its present form. I didn’t just wake up one day and discover the formula in a sealed envelope under my pillow. Neither did I find it hidden in the deep recesses of a cave in a remote jungle. Long before my friend, Butch James, asked me to make it available to others, I had already laid the groundwork for the PowerPause. I was already teaching this magical formula to my clients.    The “PowerPause” was developed over a period of many years from my contacts with some of the world’s most successful people, from my extensive travels all over the world, my work at various levels in corporate America, my entrepreneurial experiences and many glorious adventures, too numerous to mention.    It wasn’t always easy. There were moments of desperation, anxious moments of loss and suffering.    I know what it feels like to have my car repossessed, my house foreclosed, to watch my wife die when she was only in her thirties. I know what it feels like to have my electricity and telephone turned off. And, of course, I know what it feels like to have creditors hound me all the time. Several years ago, I experienced a life threatening illness and made a fantastic recovery because of the “PowerPause,” (even though the doctors thought it was impossible.) Things are much different now, but it wasn’t always easy.    Out of all these experiences and associations came the final form of the “PowerPause.”    Even with the best information and success techniques available, you need to create a climate where success grows quickly. This is what this fantastic formula does for you.A climate where success grows    It’s like having the best seed-grain, but there won’t be a harvest unless the soil is prepared. What this formula does is prepare the soil where the seeds of success will take root. It makes your success seeds grow a fantastic crop of all good things.    The “PowerPause” is written in story form and is fast and easy to read. The three steps to make more money, create lasting relationships and enjoy vibrant health and success are easy to understand and follow.    As a matter of fact, you’ll think the three principles are not new and that you were aware of them all along. And you would be right. The difference between knowing the principles and actually putting them into practice, however, is like the difference between light and dark or poverty and prosperity. The “PowerPause” shows you exactly how to use the three steps.What are some of the benefits of using the “PowerPause” formula?    You project a powerful personality that makes people want to do more for you.    You become more self-confident and your self-esteem is enhanced. You are then much more capable of drawing others into your circle of influence.    Your “luck” changes for the better and then you discover that it’s not luck at all. It is only your preparedness that is meeting opportunity. Most people call this “Luck.”    You are no longer stressed out by daily events in your home or workplace. You own a practical, simple method to reduce and manage stress to your advantage — anytime, anywhere.    You are less exhausted and more energized and creativity flows. You become more productive and less time is wasted.    There is less anxiety about the problems of money, health and relationships. Money comes to you not because you chase after it, but because you have created a climate that attracts it. Health and relationships are enhanced.    You look forward to every day with excitement, hope and joy instead of fear, stress and anxiety.    Others who could be helpful to you are drawn to you. You create strategic alliances that help your business grow much faster at less cost. You not only make money, but health improves and relationships become fantastic. The end result—success, peace and prosperity.    But the greatest result of all is you are in control of your life instead of your life and circumstances controlling you. You manage events instead of being controlled by them. You make money instead of letting money make you. And get this, you experience an extraordinary sense of freedom unknown in normal times.There is no competition    And about competition? Frankly, there is no competition! Your only competition is actually yourself of yesterday. Only YOU can do what you do. No one else can make you successful but you. Only YOU decide whether you succeed or fail.Here is the website  :


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