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IDEAFit Take the Curl Out! by Bethany Diamond

Take the Curl Out.mp4
[1 Webrip – 1 mp4]

Description Exclusive… sharing elsewhere will result in being banned! Take the Curl Out! by Bethany DiamondDescriptionTake the Curl Out! demonstrates how personal trainers can invigorate their classes with purposeful, functional core training—without performing a single crunch. The DVD explains why training the core should involve more than just exercising the spinal flexors and extensors. In addition, the DVD reviews how to use a variety of equipment options to develop balance and spinal stability. The result is revolutionary, curl-free core-training classes. Covers topics including defining CORE, the core muscles and the musculature of the trunk region, the purpose of core training, the reasons for “strengthening it out” and equipment training options for developing balance and spinal stability.By Bethany Diamond


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