Thought Inspire – Live In The Moment (Subliminal Audio Series)
Live In The Moment
[5 MP3s, 5 PDFs]
SHARING THIS ELSEWHERE WILL GET YOU BANNEDTHIS IS A EXCLUSIVEKEEPING IT THAT WAY WILL BE APPRECIATEDLive In The Moment (Subliminal Audio Series) by Thought Inspire[MP3 – 128 kbps – CBR]Living in the moment is about being present, aware and totally engrossed in what you’re doing. Many people live in constant thinking of the future or the past. However, this kind of thinking is a prison which stops you from enjoying the real power which lies in the present moment. This audio will help you to live in the moment and detach from the future or past, so that you can access the higher powers of your mind and achieve your full potential.When you live in the moment, you experience the true joy of life. Your mind will become much more relaxed, focused, concentrative and powerful. This leads to success in all areas of life. Your finances will improve as your mind is able to focus on relevant business tasks. Your relationships and health will improve as your mind is free to go into its peak and normal state of full potential.The gift of living in the moment can utterly set you free! Your mind and body will feel free to know it can achieve anything you want in life. You will feel great inside knowing that life is full of wonderful surprises. You will get that tingly feeling of joy and enthusiasm which living in the moment can bring.Momentary living makes you feel fresh and alive – like a real human being who is ready to embrace the world and live life to the fullest. Momentary living is a treasure of life, which can fill you with gratitude and love for the blessings you have to cherish and be thankful for.Living in the moment allows you to put greater trust in yourself and your abilities. It also increases your levels of intuition and creativity. Each day will simply become more perfect as you enjoy yourself more and receive the gift of the now. You will also be more productive, feel better inside and be able to embrace life for its many wonderful surprises. Give yourself this wonderful gift of momentary living and reap the rewards!All you have to do is listen to the audios for a minimum of 10 minutes per day. You can also listen to the series alongside our other packages for accelerated results. For example, you could listen to Learn To Enjoy Life, Become Lucky or Improve Mindset to help even more.On top of that, our scientifically engineered BrainTune® sounds will tune your brain to perfection. Nothing beats the power, strength and dynamism of BrainTune® to alter your mental thinking around forever. Embrace the world’s most powerful subliminal technology at last, and radically inspire new thoughts to help you live in the moment!What Are Subliminals?Subliminals are audios which have hidden affirmations inside them. This means the positive suggestions inside the packages are not heard by your conscious mind, but they are heard by your subconscious mind. This allows them to bypass the critical faculty of your conscious mind, leading to powerful changes in your mindset.An affirmation is a positive suggestion such as “I am confident” or “I am capable”. Sending such messages into your subconscious mind can change your beliefs and mindset from the inside out. There are over 800 scientific studies to support the effectiveness of subliminal messages. In fact, subliminal messaging is BANNED in advertising because the results on their effectiveness is conclusive. They are however ok to use for personal use.What Does Thought Inspire Do?It changes your thinking and deeply held belief patterns so that you can change your life. The beliefs that you have deep on the inside determine how you think, act and behave, so changing the beliefs with proven technology will save you years of effort.The subliminal audios here use brainwave entrainment. This means your mind can access a very deep state to help the suggestions go deeper into your subconscious. With other subliminal audios, the suggestions only stay on the surface level of your mind, so you don’t get as much benefit from it. Our audios change the wiring of your mind from the inside out, leading to increased productivity, new thinking patterns and hyper progress for your goals.Key Features and BenefitsHere’s the lowdown on this audio technology and how it can help you in achieving more of your goals: • You will find it easier to re-wire your mind and think more positive thoughts for your goals. • You will feel more motivated, decisive and ready to achieve success. • You will make more money and achieve more of the things you want in life. • You can listen on your mp3 player, iPod or burn them to CD. • Move more quickly and powerfully to your goals at long last. • Each package contains both “I” and “You” affirmations for maximum impact. For example “I am confident.” is an example of “I”. “You are confident” is an example of “You”. • Contains 5 audios, 2 of which contain BrainTune® • You can listen to the audios for as little as 10 minutes per day. • Each package comes complete with instruction manual and the list of affirmations contained within each track. • The masking sound are nature sounds, such as waves, waterfloor, the jungle etc. This allows for a neutral backdrop for maximum subliminal effectiveness. There is no music on the audios. • Gives powerful results that can totally change your life around and accelerate your success even more.
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