Entheos Academy IV – The 12 Secrets of Highly Successful Women: Part One with Gail McMeekin, LICSW
The 12 Secrets of Highly Successful Women – Part 1
[ 4 MP3 , 4 PDF 1 DOC ]
elib.tech Exclusive… sharing elsewhere will result in a bann!The ContextGail is known as the Passionate Mentor to Creative Women and is the CEO of Creative Success, LLC in Boston. She has written multiple best-sellers, including the textbook for this class The 12 Secrets of Highly Successful Women: A Portable Life Coach for Creative Women.By the end of this course, we hope you will have a manifesto of your dream for success, a list of creative ideas to actualize and monetize, and elevated self-esteem with new ways of thinking and the courage of a lion..In Part One of this three-part program, we will be focusing on 4 secrets of heartfelt personal and creative success for women. Think you’re not creative? Creativity is not just for writers and artists, it takes all forms. You just may need your creative software jumpstarted! Using a variety of exercises, you will zero in on your best ideas and learn to leverage them to reflect your passions and get them out into the world. What You’ll Learn Each Week Week 1: Express Your Creative Gifts and Life PurposeWeek 2: Sift Through Your Ideas to Get Heart-FocusedWeek 3: Heal Your Self-Esteem and Your FearsWeek 4: Learn New Mindsets for Courage and SuccessQuote:With busy lives and too many ideas floating around in our minds, sometimes we don’t finish projects that we’ve started. Occasionally, we aren’t meant to finish them. We outgrow some projects or want to change them before we finish. We have to get past the “I spent so many hours on this!” or “I hate to stop now that I’ve worked on it so much.” Sometimes, we can use some of these items on a later project or we need to scrap the project completely. Quote:”Will I ever finish this?”, “Am I meant to work on this project any longer?”, “What should I be focusing on?” All of these questions are important and you might not get the answer you want. You may need to throw away an entire project or quit blogging after years. The only way to find the answers (that you may or may not want) is to ask yourself tough questions and why you have the feelings about certain projects that you do.Quote:Gail told us about an instance she saw on a slow long commute one day. Stuck in a stand still in traffic, she saw a woman get out of her car and proceed to clean and organize her trunk, complete with a bag for trash. When traffic began to creep, she closed the trunk, took her trash bag and got back in the car. This is an amazing example of taking a situation that you can sit and be angry about, or change it around and do something useful. Quote:Filtering FocusIf ideaphoria takes over us, we have so many great ideas floating around in our head and we may start quite a few of them. Sometimes we need to filter our focus. We need to realize which of our projects really need our passion and dedication the most and give them our full attention.Quote:Our collection creative ideas are a lot like a garden. We need to plant the seeds of wonderful ideas and tend to them regularly. Some ideas need much more time to grow and mature while we pay more attention to the ones that are flourishing now. Occasionally, we need to just sit back and see what we’ve made and relax in the beauty of our own creativity.Much More ! Thank You ALL For Making This Possible For All Of US. Entheos Academy IV GB Contributors: Ratio FreeElite/VIP: 08/02/2013Power Users (PU): 08/02/2013Users: Upgrade to PU
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