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Pat Flynn :The Power of Complexes: Metabolic Conditioning for Superior Athleticism and Conditioning

[1 ebook – pdf]


Pat Flynn :The  Power of Complexes: metabolic Conditioning for Superior Athleticism and ConditioningThe wait is finally over!The final version of my metabolic conditioning eBook entitled: The Power of COmplexes: metabolic Conditioning for Superior Athleticism and Conditioning is born!This eBook is the digital manifestation of how to transform your body into physical excellence in the least amount of time possible. Nothing compares to metabolic conditioning when it comes to effective fat loss methods; especially in the realm of complexes.Who Will Benefit From This eBook?Anybody who wants to lose maximum fat while retaining maximum muscleAnybody who wants to take their levels of strength and conditioning beyond that of a KryptonianAthletes of any persuasion who want to improve their endurance, explosiveness, and poise under pressure/mental toughnessWho Will Not Benefit From This eBook?Beginners – this is not an eBook for the de-conditioned or those completely new to working out/training! This is an advanced and incredibly challenging form of physical exercise designed to take you to the next and ultimate level…not the first level.Kettlebell Newbs – This is not an instructional eBook to teach you basic, intermediate, or advanced kettlebell techniques. This eBook instead teaches you how to use the kettlebell to get maximum results in minimum time. If you are new to kettlebells, I highly recommend you check out my Introduction to Kettlebell and Barbell Strength Training eBookThe Final Version of this eBook Includes:13 Single Kettlebell Complexes – Like This One!8 Double Kettlebell Complexes – such as The Flynn Man-Maker (or woman maker)8 Sample Workouts guaranteed to hack off body fat, drastically improve your endurance, build lean muscle and stress-proof strength, increase your flexibility and mobility, and leave you on your knees, drenched in your own sweat.If you are ready to take your physique, conditioning, and athleticism to the ultimate level, then get your copy HERE – price is $14.99…


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