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Dennis Stevenson – MIND OVER MONEY

Dennis Stevenson – MIND OVER MONEYplace
[6 Videos (MOV) + 52 Audios (MP3) + 108 Manuals (PDF, DOCX)]



Please keep this product exclusive for The Place.MIND OVER MONEYSite: Image: CD-ROM contains an 8 tape series, a book, a workbook, and a video, and has been created for YOU! The YOU that instinctively knows that YOU can produce any result that YOU want.It is sometimes called a technology, simply because there is a system or flow to this technology in which the world works and affluence occurs.It took me years of trial and error, research and observing other people to understand why some have it so easy and other just struggle and effort and never get anywhere and certainly don’t enjoy their lives. I am going to share all this with you.The purpose of the program (where we are going is that your are going to have the results that you want.) This is not a how-to program. It’s a set of tools that you will use to have the results you want. It’s not about working hard. Its about free flow, affluence, momentum……In other words, getting on a roll in life and staying there. It’s about your getting in touch with how powerful you really are and accepting that unlimited ability…there is no fear of success, there is You trusting you…. Quote Plato….”conquering the self is the greatest of all victories”.It is my intention in this program that you win. You, no matter who you are, will never be able to convince me that you can’t win in life.Dennis Stevenson is the founder of Focus Educational Corporation based in San Francisco. More popularly known for his book, “Mind Over Money”, for 25 years Mr. Stevenson has been empowering people in the area of results, productivity and self-confidence in business.He is a successful Internet businessman and conducts one-to-one and group productivity sessions with small companies and large corporations. Known for his enthusiasm, he has done financial coaching, consulting, lecturing and public speaking for the past 21 years. In the physical business world, he’s conducted a workshop called, “Focus On Money” for 18 years. A native San Franciscan, he has also traveled all over the world studying politics and cultural beliefs about money, and how others have learned to enjoy their natural ability to be successful.His notable clients include:   Apple Computer,   Loral Corporation,   NorthWest Mutual Life,   and Wells Fargo Bank.He has published a newspaper: Curtain Call Magazine. He was a drill Sgt. in the US Army for 4 years. He has owned a chain of printing and copying stores: Kopy Systems Inc. He has designed CD-ROM games for kids and written and published a book that supports kids in improving their self-esteem and image.Other positions he’s held include:   CEO, Internet Guides Inc.   Board of Directors, Aerospace Consultant, Los Alamos, NM   Author, “Adventures With Kid”, a children’s bookWhat separates Mr. Stevenson’s approach from other business coaches is his belief in his clients’ abilities to produce money (and quality relationships) not by working hard or struggling, but by getting into “Momentum”, where results “Just Show Up.”Available for PU+PS: this program made all the difference in my life out of many I have tried. ENJOYuploaded by presveti


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