Joel Andrews-Ava Maria Meditation
Ave Maria – Meditations
[ 1 CD- 2 wavs. 4 jpgs]
Ave Maria SIDE I – Ave Maria (JS Bach) – with harpist Joel Andrews, has to be one of the most moving pieces of music ever composed. Played by a master harpist like Joel Andrews, it’s a listening experience beyond description.SIDE II – Meditation – offers healing on all levels of your being. Purifies, energizes and harmonizes your chakras. INSTANT HEALING MEDITATION SIT UP WITH YOUR SPINE STRAIGHT. LET YOUR BREATHING BE SLOW, DEEP, AND LONG. ON THE INBREATH TAKE IN THE LIFE FORCE THAT IS ALL AROUND YOU. ON THE OUTBREATH RELEASE ALL TENSION IN THE BODY. AH, WHAT A RELIEF! THEN EMPTY YOUR EMOTIONAL BODY OF ANY NEGATIVE CHARGES. OH, WHAT A LIGHTENING! THEN VISUALIZE YOUR MIND AN ENCLOSURE OF YELLOW LIGHT, JUST FOR NOW ALLOWING ALL THOUGHTS TO PASS ON OUT UNTIL YOUR MIND CLEARS. WHAT A BOON TO CREATIVITY! — TO SLOW DOWN THE CHATTERING AND ELIMINATE THE CLUTTER OF YOUR MIND. AH, A CLEAN SLATE! NOW OBSERVE HOW YOU FEEL. REFRESHED? LIGHTER? OPEN? MORE POSITIVE AND EXPECTANT? YOU COULD FOLLOW THIS WITH A SPIRITUAL ALIGNMENT OF YOUR CHOICE. WITH PRACTICE YOU CAN DO THIS IN 3 TO 4 MINUTES. GREATLY ENHANCED WITH Ave MariaTHE UNIQUE WAY IN WHICH THIS MUSIC IS “CREATED” EXPLAINS ITS REMARKABLE EFFECTS What has made the music of Joel Andrews extraordinary, and explains the wide variety of almost “miraculous” healing effects, is the special state in which he records the music. Down through history the greatest composers and artists have acknowledged their muses. Mr. Andrews didn’t begin his healing ministry until these shining beings came to him and trained him to hear the music of the higher dimensions. He researched this type of co-creation for years until he could trust his sources – that they came from a place of love and respect for all of life – as he did himself. So every time he records he meditates, says positive affirmations to qualify for the celestial blessings, and to offer himself for a certain purpose. He then enters an altered, expanded state which he calls a “state of grace” and the music is given to him. Humans can create beautiful music which can be helpful in lowering heart rate, bringing the listener to a sense of deep peace which help the body heal itself, boosting the immune system, and other physiological changes. When higher spiritual beings (often called the “celestial artisans”) come with much clearer vision of our individual and collective needs, with infinite love, knowledge and wisdom, the healing can go far beyond the usual human capability. This is why recordings of the music of J.S. Bach, year after year, still outsell other composers. Clients who have had Individual Soul-Path Re-Alignments from Joel Andrews play them for the rest of their lives to stay attuned to their chosen pathways. This begins to explain why researchers have found high degrees of DNA patterns in Joel’s music, why they have found that it changes significantly the structure and properties of water, and why Joel has earned the reputation as one of the clearest and most reliable “co-creators” of consciousness-raising music in the world. Out of the 3,000 individual cassettes, and 40 CDs and cassettes for general use that he has produced, he has only had 2 complaints! (These were early in his career and part of his education). On the other hand, we can provide you with many glowing testimonials of therapeutic effects of a rich variety. But let us hasten to add that, (and we are required legally to make this statement), since much depends on the clients’ readiness to be healed, no healing can be guaranteed with a certain piece of music. What we can do is share with you the responses listeners have had in the past. This is “people telling people”. It might interest you to know further that these inspired compositions are created in a state transcending space and time. (It says in “A Course in Miracles” that a miracle takes place in a gap in space and time.) As a result, even with all the tours of concerts, seminars and individual healing recordings, Mr. Andrews has not aged much in the last 25 years and appears much younger than his years. Because of this deep dedication to all his brothers and sisters, and to all of life (he has also created music to help heal plants, animals and parts of the earth), researchers have never found negative vibrations in his co-created music and he is never tired after co-creating a concert, seminar or private session, although it does take a few minutes to adjust back to physical realities
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