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Harry M. Hoxsey – You Don’t Have to Die (1956)

Harry M. Hoxsey – You Don’t Have to Die (1956)
[1 Scan – 336 JPG]

Description out of 5 stars A MUST Read if You or a Loved One Has Cancer! July 3, 2008By TammyThe day this book arrived, I started reading it, and I did not put it down, until I had poured over it and over it. I could NOT put it down until I had finished it 24 hours later. Normally, I am a fast reader, and I would have made light work of its 300 pages, but I wanted to let it all soak it in as I went. I had to read and re-read much of it again to be sure I understood it correctly. I was so astounded by what I was reading, it rocked me to the core.If I had cancer, I would be in Mexico right now at his clinic. It’s my husband who has cancer, and sadly he is not as open-minded as I over holistic, all natural remedies. Usually, I am not either, but Harry’s “proof was in the pudding”, as they say… My husband’s skeptism is causing a rift between us at an inopportune time. Paticularly because his oncologist wants to start him on a course of chemo that could potentially damage his heartI have the great privelege of knowing Harry Hoxsey’s great-granddaugher, and through (and because of) her, I came to “meet” Harry via his book. Harry’s great-granddaughter’s husband also has cancer, and his case is worse than my husband’s, but we do share this bond through which we commiserate with one another.I highly recommend reading this book, I know I feel more enlightened. This world was blessed with a true genius. It is just a shame no one had the courage [and still don’t] to recognize Harry for it.5.0 out of 5 stars Cure vs. Treatment July 16, 2012By John SThis book points out the direction the Medical Industry has taken since the 1920’s. It may surprise some to think that money is more important than lives, but Harry Hoxsey outlines the problems of curing patients in the face of an industry bent on making money above all else. Hoxsey’s story ended fifty years ago, but his clinic still operates, and the dangers of medical treatment have only gotten worse. Everybody should read this book.5.0 out of 5 stars You Don’t Have To Die – Natural Cures are available – Have Courage! November 5, 2011By WayneWymoreHoxsey was a remarkable man. Especially by today’s standards. He would never turn any patient away just because they had no money. Which was very fortunate, since the regular medical profession would treat them till they ran out of money. Then send them home to die. So, about 85% of the patients he treated were in advanced stages of cancer, had already been sent home to die – and Hoxsey was curing them with his simple cure.When Fishbein would try to harass him by bringing fraudulent charges in the courts his patients all testified for him, and told the judges how they had been sent home to die, “But Hoxsey cured us”.Hoxsey was acquitted every time until finally they bankrupted him, and when he could not afford to defend himself in court any longer he had to agree not to help those who were suffering any longer.My own opinion: We are all poorer because of the loss of Hoxsey. It would be wonderful if we could have doctors of his caliber today!Please contribute back by OCRing and Spellcheck/Proofreading this book. I recommend ABBYY Finereader 11 (or similar) for doing this work in a relatively easy way. If you plan to do that please leave a comment here so the effort won’t be duplicated by others. Please upload back the final pdf. Thank you.Please note that the high quality scan images are posted here for a specific purpose – to make it easy to OCR/spellcheck the book and not spend 100 hours doing that from a crappy, lossy compressed pdfs that are sometimes posted here. So please don’t waste your time asking why this is not a pdf file. Instead please contribute a few hours of your time and OCR and proofread the posted book. Thank you.


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