IDEAFit Fabio Comana,Todd Galati, Pete McCall –The New ACE Integrated Fitness Training Model
The New ACE Integrated Fitness Training Model
[1 webrip – 1 pdf ,1flv]
**** Exclusive ****Help us keep elib all the more special for its exclusivity. Out of respect for the original authors and publishers,please do not make this product available outside of our community.Thanks for keeping elib awesome! IDEAFit Fabio Comana,Todd Galati, Pete McCall –The New ACE Integrated Fitness Training Model The New ACE Integrated Fitness Training Model by Fabio Comana, MA, MS, Todd Galati, MA, Pete McCall, MSDescriptionDiscover the American Council on Exercise’s Integrated Fitness Training (IFT) Model; a NEWprogram that provides personal trainers with a systematic and comprehensive approachto exercise program design, assessments and programming guidelines to facilitate lastingbehavioral change.Each phase of the model provides customized levels of programming that are geared towardimproving health, basic fitness, advanced fitness and enhanced performance. In addition, focusis placed on functional movement and resistance training as well as cardiorespiratory training.When combined, the phases of this model allow the personal trainer to provide comprehensivetraining solutions that are appropriate for each client’s current goals along the health-fitnessperformancetraining continuum.Ultimately, the information shared in this program will help trainers to create positiveexperiences that result in better program adherence and success for their clients. So if youwant to set yourself apart from your peers, you will not want to miss out on this specialvideo.By Fabio Comana, MA, MS, Todd Galati, MA, Pete McCall, MSVideo ChaptersChp. 1 THE ACE INTEGRATED FITNESS TRAINING (ACE IFT) MODEL DISC #1Chp. 2 Introduction (Fabio Comana)Chp. 3 Evolution of Personal TrainingChp. 4 Rapport, Communication, and BehaviorChp. 5 Personality Indexing – Tools and ApplicationChp. 6 Stages of Change – Tools and ApplicationChp. 7 Rethinking Assesments – Considerations for Appropriate Assesments and TimingChp. 8 Functional Movement and Resistance Training (Pete McCall)Chp. 9 Phase One: Stability and Mobility TrainingChp. 10 Phase Two: Movement TrainingChp. 11 Phase Three: Load TrainingChp. 12 Phase Four: Performance TrainingChp. 13 Cardiorespiratory Training Phases: Aerobic-base through Anaerobic-power Training (Todd Galati)Chp. 14 ACE IFT 3-Zone Training ModelChp. 15 THE ACE INTEGRATED FITNESS TRAINING (ACE IFT) MODEL DISC #2Chp. 16 Case Study- Client DescriptionChp. 17 Stablilty and Mobility TrainingChp. 18 Examples of Stability and Mobility ExercisesChp. 19 Developing an Aerobic BaseChp. 20 Behavioral Considerations #1Chp. 21 Movement TrainingChp. 22 Movement Training- Program DesignChp. 23 Aerobic-efficiency TrainingChp. 24 Behavioral Considerations #2Chp. 25 Load TrainingChp. 26 Performance TrainingChp. 27 Progressing Aerobic Efficency and incorporating S-A-Q TrainingChp. 28 Behavioral Considerations #3Chp. 29 Workshop Wrap-Up…
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